Why does Quixe have a MORE prompt?

In an old-style terminal window, the MORE prompt keeps text from scrolling off the top where it couldn’t be read.

Quixe puts text into a browser where that’s not an issue.

So why is there a prompt in Quixe at all, especially if it wants to eat the next letter?

I’ve had issues where it appears and never goes away, despite a prompt being right there and I can’t open the phone’s keyboard, soft locking whatever game.

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I have a similar issue where it will open and close my keyboard over and over, and I’m forced to sit there patiently waiting for it to stop freaking out before I can type something. Sometimes it never does and I have to close the tab. At this point I basically avoid attempting to play any parser game in a mobile browser.


That’s a bug that should have already been fixed. Which version of Quixe do you see it in?

Vanilla Inform, latest version of. “Release with an interpreter” on a Glulx game.

I just installed the patched version of Parchment etc that you linked to me from one of my other threads. Still happens.

It’s happening on the example “Gaudy” from Glulx Text Effects, after adding “Release along with an interpreter.” On Desktop, the MORE prompt appears after entering a single command, Z, even though the bottom margin of the window is miles away from the command prompt.

The MORE appears on mobile as well at that same time, but frequently prevents me from clicking onto the next command prompt to do anything.



Include Version 5 of Glulx Text Effects by Emily Short.

Use scoring. Release along with an interpreter.

Texty Room is a room. “This is a room of [bold type]bold[roman type] and [italic type]italic[roman type] texts as well as messages in [fixed letter spacing]fixed width[variable letter spacing] text.”

Table of User Styles (continued)
style name relative size color background color
italic-style -1 “#0000FF” –
fixed-letter-spacing-style – “#444444” –
header-style 10 – –
bold-style 2 “#888888” “#80DAEB
alert-style 5 “#FF0000
note-style – “#00FF00
blockquote-style – “#FFFF00
input-style -1 “#FF00FF

Instead of waiting:
increase the score by 5.

Instead of jumping:
end the story finally.

Every turn:
display the boxed quotation “Tempus fugit.”

Test me with “z / z / z / jump”.

Oh. Maybe it’s working in current versions? Looking at the one on the glulx site, it closes and reopens really quickly and only once. It’s still kind of annoying but hardly a deal breaker now.

Actually, it seems like all of the ones that don’t use the tan colored theme freak out. For example these two:



This one is fine, as an example:


Ah, it has something to do with
Every turn:
display the boxed quotation “Tempus fugit.”

EDIT ok it has nothing to do with any extension. Apparently boxed quoations are built into Inform, and despite just putting text underneath the status line as a second status line, they cause a spurious MORE prompt which can’t be dismissed on mobile since MORE by itself doesn’t cause the keyboard to appear. On Desktop I can only click the second command prompt and start typing, which is ready and waiting the entire time.

Even in a scrolling interface, you – well, most users – want a “paging” metaphor so that they can read all the text in order. It’s poor form to display a huge output starting at the end, and then require the user to fumble with the scroll bar to find its beginning.

The MORE prompt getting stuck is a bug which I have been meaning to nail down for several weeks now, ever since Dannii reported it. (Sorry!) The fact that it is triggered by boxed quotations makes some sense in my current understanding. I will try (again) to get this figured out soon.

Having the soft keyboard get stuck, or pop open and closed (on mobile) is a separate issue.


Don’t you have to make a separate call to scroll to the bottom of the text? I don’t think it normally does it on its own. So the “more” prompt is trying to correct/hide a problem that was created?

I would expect that if a wall of text appears, the window would only scroll down as far until the command which caused it was at the top of the window and no further. Browsers have a scrollIntoView(true) function for this purpose.

But as long as something’s being ironed out. I never expected to be a Inform-game-on-mobile proponent, but with kids, when I’m at McDonalds or a playground…

The mobile input problem should be fixed in Quixe 2.1.7. I think the Quixe version on eblong.com should be at least that version, so I don’t know why it wouldn’t be fixed.

Sorry, I was replying to tayruh. Nothing’s been fixed yet with the More prompt.


Current comp entry “For a place by the putrid sea”, play online, begins with a “Press SPACE to contineu” but pressing space on mobile does nothing.

Oh dear. This has been reported before, but I guess we were hoping the browsers would fix it for us. I’ll see if I can find a solution this week.

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Maybe the comp entry is using an older version of the interpreter? It as that fancy compass rose loading screen… :shrug:

Thanks for the bug report! I removed the “(press the space bar to continue)” thing for the time being, so the game should now work on mobile, after you delete your browser cache.

And here I was wondering why so many people quit on the first move…


I’m not enthusiast of this feature of web 'terp in general… Inside this community of devs and players isn’t much of an issue, but outside our community, considered the squalid state of the 'net and all those greed-based abuses ?

Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.

I’m noticing a “more”-related problem in some of the current comp entries, the ones that use the Inform 7 “release with interpreter”. (I think that’s Quixe 2.1.2 for most of them. I’ve seen the problem in Rope of Chalk, Vampire Ltd, and Under They Thunder.)

The problem is, sometimes “more” appears, and then keyboard input doesn’t register anymore, until I mouse-click near the command prompt. (In these cases, not much text got printed, so the “more” message should not have appeared at all.)

Strangely, it seems to happen only at my default browser zoom, but not after I change the zoom level with ctrl+ or ctrl-. (So maybe it depends on font size vs. window size, or something?)

I’m using Firefox 80 for Windows.

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