Hello again (Gosh, I hope you don’t kick me out of the club),
I am awarding points using a table keyed on current action and returning the point value to award.
In my example, I “Understand push/flip/toggle as pushing” and then capture pushing with a “instead of pushing a switched off switch, try switching on the noun”.
My expectation is that push/flip/toggle would execute the action as a switching on action and award the points. i.e. push is the same as witch on.
In my example, if you “push switch1”, the current action is “pushing switch1”. It then goes ahead with the try and the action becomes “switching on switch1” and it is my expectation that the actual executed action of “Switch on switch1” would award points. but it doesn’t,
“push switch1” awards points but “switch on switch1” doesn’t. similarly, “switch on switch2” awards points but “push switch2” does not.
How can i make the two equal actions for the purpose of awarding points? Otherwise, It will award points for one but not the other.
Thanks in advance,
use scoring.
the maximum score is 15.
The lab is a room.
A switch is a kind of device. A switch can be switched on or switched off. A switch is usually switched off.
Switch1 is a switch in the lab. The description is "this is switch1.".
Switch2 is a switch in the lab. The description is "this is switch2.".
understand "toggle [a switch]" as pushing.
understand "flip [a switch]" as pushing.
Instead of pushing a switched off switch (this is the redirect push to switch on rule):
try switching on the noun.
Instead of pushing a switched on switch (this is the redirect push to switch off rule):
try switching off the noun.
every turn:
repeat through Table of Valuable Actions:
if the current action is the relevant action entry:
increase the score by the point value entry;
continue the action.
Table of Valuable Actions
relevant action point value
pushing switch1 5
switching on switch2 10
test me with "actions / switch on switch1 / switch off switch1 / push switch1 / push switch2 / push switch2 / switch on switch2"