When can you check for activities?

Some things in my WIP have thoughts about them that can either occur within the player’s head or be spoken out loud. Usually they are the same in both cases, but sometimes they are different. I thought I could use activities to distinguish each case, but I can’t seem to make it work.

[code]A thing has a text called the thought.

Last report examining a thing:
Carry out the thinking privately activity with the noun.

Thinking privately of something is an activity on objects.

For thinking privately of something (called the token):
say “[the thought of the token].”;

Discussing is an action applying to one thing. Understand “discuss [something]” as discussing.

Report discussing:
carry out the speaking out loud activity with the noun.

Speaking out loud of something is an activity on objects.

For speaking out loud of something (called the token):
say “’[the thought of the token],’ you say.”

To decide whether aloud while speaking out loud: yes.
To decide whether aloud: no.

The classroom is a room.

The globe is a thing in the classroom. The thought of the globe is “It’s a small world after all[if aloud], Bub[end if]”

test me with “x globe/discuss globe”[/code]

This code never prints out “Bub.” I’ve tried a few different phrasings, but nothing seems to detect whether the speaking out loud (or thinking privately) activity is happening.

I’m not married to the idea of using activities to solve this problem, but I would like to be able to put conditionals within the thought-text somehow. Any suggestions?

The problem is with the to decide -phrases: you can’t use when/while conditions like you would in other rules. Here you are creating a to decide phrase called literally “aloud while speaking out loud”. You need to put the check inside a single phrase.

To decide whether aloud: if the speaking out loud activity is going on, yes; no.
Or you can just use the “if the speaking out loud activity is going on” directly where you need it.

Thanks! I didn’t expect activities to be phrased differently from actions in that context.