My vision is very poor. I see very little with my left eye. I am typically legally blind in my right. A little over a week ago, I had a blood vessel hemorrhage in my right eye. I couldn’t see anything, almost totally opaque.
It is starting to clear! With a good bit of ZoomText magnification, I am again able to read text on my computer! WaHoo!
I see the doc again this Friday. He was suggesting surgery. Now maybe I can avoid it! Definitely a positive day.
@Fos1, hope you make a full recovery without need for surgery. Went through two rounds of retinal reattachment surgery to no avail back in 2012 and it was some of the worst time I’ve had in my life. Going blind sucks and it’s not something I would wish on humanity’s worst enemy.
So far, I have only had tears and bleeding. It has been going on since the mid 90s. I have suffered through several injections, laser surgery and cryo to keep things in check. The surgeon is talking about a vitrectomy. I have opted out of that plan a couple of times.
Just the adventures of seniorhood. (That sounds like an IF title).
PS. I see the doc again this Friday. I’m going avoid surgery unless it is the only way to save my remaining vision.
After a series of tragedies in the last couple months, I’ve had to step away from IF for a bit; trying to play or write anything just made me break down completely. But now, working on tools and back-end things for the last couple weeks seems to have helped, and I’m now trying to put together a list for when I’m able to get back into it again. I think that definitely qualifies as a positive!
Oh, also I need to learn Finnish on Duolingo for one of my classes this semester, which means for the first time I’ve actually gotten past a week’s streak on that. It’s a phonology class, so the goal is to document our process of learning to recognize things like vowel and consonant length distinctions that we don’t have in English. And as a side benefit, I can now say “he is a wizard” (hän on velho) to my Finnish cousins!
Googles vitrectomy and cryo eye surgery.* Never heard of those procedures… Not sure what all has been done on my eyes, two rounds of retinal reattachment on my left eye in my mid-20s are the only eye surgeries I’ve had as an adult, but I had 17 surgeries on my right as a baby and all I know for sure is they included retinal reattachment that ultimately failed and [
Trabeculectomy to treat my congenital glaucoma(which I believe was the sole eye surgery done on my left eye in infancy).
Trying to get a song done quickly is hard. It never works out that way for me, lol. But I’ve been working on a few songs while my drummer has broken his finger for the third time (not exaggerating) since September. Vocals are fun but obviously tricky to get right for the song. Anyway, that’s a positive here.
I seem to have found an approach that works for me for studying deep learning. I’m finding most of the supposedly “practical” texts absolutely awful, like at a “draw the rest of the f***ing owl” level of pedagogy. The theoretical texts are much more to my liking but tend to be deficient in examples: Understanding Deep Learning is the best of the lot but still inadequate on that score. So: first study the theory just closely enough to formulate what I’m trying to understand, and then let o3 generate the lab exercises for me! ChatGPT - Geometric Classification NN
After months of being behind, I am caught up to the latest chapter of everything I’m reading that’s published serially and is on-going and am down to one story I’m in the middle of reading that has finished posting, on chapter 31 of 35. At least among the safe for work stuff. My reading list is still a mountain numbering in the millions of words just counting the novels I have bookmarked for online reading, but I’m close to the point of any new fiction reading being the first chapter of a story I haven’t read yet.
Also, it’s a pleasant, mid-40s day after a couple days in the 60s and a day of it breaking 70.
On a less pleasant note, my joints acted up just preparing my lunch today, including my right hip which usually doesn’t bother me, and I need to do dishes this afternoon, which is particularly irksome since the kitchen sink is positioned for someone a head shorter than me(I literally have to bend over and rest my forehead against the over sink cabinet’s door to reach into the sink and one downside to the nice weather is our inadequate and that’s putting it nicely hot water heater runs out even faster than usual and the cold water isn’t just lousy at removing food and soap residue, but painful to run the hands under, so I might have to split the prewash where I rinse the food residue my housemates leave behind down the drain and the final rinse into two separate sessions each while I wait for the hot water heater to recharge.
big moment of metagratitude today catching up on the forum, for this space & this thread in particular for allowing me a little RSS feed-style digest of updates in the lives of cool people. especially grateful for Michael for creating the thread.
Did our first multiple-song gig at a bar… it was very fun, even just being the two guitarists of the band (a mellower performance than whenever we perfprm with our drummer lol)!
Been wanting to get back into running for a bit – since moving last year, I’ve missed being active like I was for the last 5 years of playing college sports – but I’ve been sick or dreading the outdoors for a few months at this point. The weather and my meniscus-less knee cooperated today, and while it’s no marathon, it’s nice to be essentially back on my feet again.
Unexpectedly saw some friends this morning who’d had a baby recently - didn’t expect to see them out so soon. It was lovely and I was able to hand over the present I’d got for them