What's one positive/neutral thing that's happened today?

Your positive day is a good start to my day. :slight_smile:


You absolutely radiate bubbliness!

What a fun morning you had, and what fun that you so enthusiastically tell us all about it.

Love the silver bow on the staircase. Great image.


An earlier post about cats has led me to start an new game using TADS 3 with the new version of Adv3Lite 1.6 that Eric Eve just released.

A good day. My muse is singing. :slight_smile:


My dog ate a lot of grass and was really whiny last night, and we were like, oh no. She’s definitely going to throw up on the rug at 3:00 in the morning. So we picked up the rug and resigned ourselves to waking up to the sound of barfing in the wee hours.

And it didn’t happen. I’m sure this is because we removed the rug, because dog barf MUST go on rugs. Maybe 5% of the floor of our house has a rug on it, but 100% of dog barf goes on a rug. This has been true for 6 dogs across 30 years, so there is definitely something about rugs that sings a siren song to a vomiting dog. But anyway, it could have been One Of Those Nights, and it wasn’t, and that’s a really good way to start the day.


-If one were to lightly toast a slice of bread, and one were to thinly butter one side of said toasted slice of bread, and one were to spread an equally thin layer of canine vomitus on the opposing side of said toasted slice of bread;
-If one were to subsequently release thusly prepared toasted slice of bread from table-height directly above a further unspecified rug;

What would happen?



This is SO EASY to answer. The dog would intercept the bread before it hit the floor and gobble it, and then vomit it on the rug. Vomit is often hoovered up and recycled, so we often see the exact same vomit several times in the course of a day.


Well, a lot of things went very wrong, some things came out okay, and I’m still proud of myself for seeing them through!

I had a doctor’s appointment today to get an update on a psychiatric referral and to fill out some paperwork pertaining to being a student with a permanent disability. I cried during the appointment- nothing unusual, this sort of thing is really stressful. There’s a fee associated with this paperwork- and my card declined. Weird, because I have money in the account, and my card doesn’t expire for another year!

This is a problem because if you don’t pay off your debts on your account before end of term, they’ll put a freeze on your account: which prevents your grades being released, stops you from being able to check out library books in the school system, and can potentially drop you from courses and from the enrolment period, all while accruing massive interest fees.

Well, off across town I go to visit the nearest branch location for my bank. I get the newcomer who’s still actively in training, and he can’t seem to help me- the card pin is verified, but the information is absolutely absent in the system: it flashes for a moment, and then disappears. A manager gets called over- she can’t help me either, and tells me to head to my home branch: as well as call up a particular department. Issue is, I won’t be home at the home branch for a couple of weeks- and that freeze will be placed soon!

So off I go back to campus, huffing and puffing from dragging my backpack along with me. To Student Affairs I go, looking incredibly scraggly and sort of pathetic at this point in time- and they redirect me to Enrolment and Fees, so away I go again- punching in my appointment purpose and take a ticket to wait.

There, they seem absolutely baffled as to why I was directed here- and agree it’s all incredibly silly seeing as I have the money in cash, but the centre will only take the money in credit or debit, and will not take e-transfer, unlike their sister psychiatry and general counselling centre. They rummage around, weakly offer that they can put a note to not freeze my account because they can clearly see I have the money, and since it’s a banking issue, that I can pay it off in the New Year.

That’s great and all, I’ll have it fixed by then- but the problem is the medical centre can independently put a freeze on the account. I thought the bank could fix the issue, and if they couldn’t, I could borrow a relative’s card- forgetting that they charge with the medical centre’s name attached, and that is not an option for me, given that it’s sensitive information. So back to the medical centre I go!

Anyways, I got it sort of fixed- neither entity will levy a freeze against the account or charge interest until after the new semester begins, they’re in touch with the Enrolment officer for my year to make sure I don’ get bumped from my courses, and this all gives me about a month to figure out the banking situation, and I’ll be able to barge into my home branch and ask for help. Nightmare. At the very worst case scenario, I can ask my brother to borrow his card and pay him back in cash for the transaction.

It all feels insanely absurd considering I have the money twice over in cash, but for… some reason? They won’t accept paper money, even though they did in the past, which has made this an issue that’s never occurred for me before. Post pandemic measures, I guess, but you’d think they’d want to get paid faster…

Anyways, I have debilitating generalized anxiety disorder, (to the extent I very rarely leave to go outside and it’s an ordeal to force myself to to attend courses and labs and medical appointments, to the extent that I just kind of bleakly accepted hemorrhaging for about a month before I could finally steel the resolve to get some antibiotics and an appointment virtually because the excruciating agony I was in was not worth the pain of interacting with an unknown doctor) so I’m kind of stunned I managed to speak to a whole bunch of random people in an unexpected way and advocated for myself enough to get the notes on my account to not freeze it.

That was all really scary! And while the ideal outcome (please, just take my damn money!) didn’t happen, an okay ending did, and I was a very brave little meowmeow limping across town on my bad leg to try to get things sorted. That’s a win in my book.

I also kind of find it ambiently funny I was so pathetic and scraggly and a sopping wet kitty that people kept calling me little endearments and looking mildly panicked at encountering me, like, little dear, and love, and sweetheart, and I’m like I’m so sorry I’m just doing my best have a nice day thanks you too! LOL.


Oh! People in the Tumblr IF chat shared some pictures of their kitties with me which was really sweet of them, Arlo’s cat is orange and white and those are my favourite kind of cats. He has little SOCK markings… so cute.

I always forget how poorly the general public treats service staff, because everyone I encountered today seemed absolutely baffled when I went through the bare minimum of pleasantries with them (hello, how are you doing? Thanks so much, have a nice day hun!) and didn’t fly into like, a rage about them not being able to solve my problem. Especially the new guy at the bank, he was already preemptively cringing a little when he realized neither he or his manager could help, but I just said thanks anyhow, have a nice day sir! and he looked absolutely bewildered.


It’s so sad that service employees don’t get a little of niceness from customers. :frowning: I’m sure you made that guy’s day tho!


It never made any sense to me because I can’t fathom taking out your anger on someone who has like… no power in the situation? It’s not like they can curse you back out or anything, they’re at work, so it’s just an unfair fight, and what’s even the point- it’s not like this random baby bank employee is personally trying to fuck up your day or anything, he’s just some guy who’s doing his best to deal with whatever life tosses his way like anyone else. Bizarro world behaviour. You wouldn’t cuss out a friend or even treat a random stranger on the sidewalk like that, why someone on the clock?

Plus, I stick to a limited set of very strict social scripts I learned from imitating people around me or was explicitly taught to do so by my father figure (I’m pretty sure he’s also on the spectrum which explains why he would make a game out of trying to teach little me how to navigate situations he also finds difficult) to cope with particular structured interactions (such as speaking to a bank employee, cashier, waitress, doctor, secretary, professor, etc) and I mean… it’s not hard. Every time so far it’s worked, as long as you’re at least a little polite: to say hello, acknowledge the time and effort the other person is putting into the interaction, thank them for their help, etc. It’s not that hard to treat people like people even if you’re kind of a quivering pathetic little kitten under the glaring spotlight of the doldrums and dirges of being seen, LOL.


This week is the final week I have in terms of like, the academic term and obligations- and I’m in a good spot to be finishing it out (while still taking the rest of today off, because I had a feeling things would go topsy turvy when it came to paperwork, it nearly always does, funny, that…) I just remembered that my father figure will be home for the holidays- he lives a bit further away now, ever since he moved into his boyfriend’s apartment, but it’ll be really nice to see him in person.

I probably won’t get to meet the boyfriend- he makes it a point to never introduce romantic partners to me until he’s sure that they’ll be serious, and stick around for the longterm- (I didn’t meet his previous girlfriend until they had been going steady for about three years, and they dated for a decade or so) but maybe I’ll send the guy a card or something like that.


So far, I’ve been able to maintain a simple routine for a bit!! I’m kind of astonished by it so far, but it’s really been working! I made a little image collage and made it my laptop background so I see it when I open the laptop up, and it’s really really been helping me out! No words or forced checklist, just pictures going hey psssst, do these things!!

Wearing my OBNOXIOUS neon green cargo pants, made with the loudest material known to mankind, that constantly makes a swishing noise. Like the bell bottom jeans swish but on smooth parachute pants like fabric. They bring me endless amounts of joy and are genuinely so comfortable. I just woke up from my daily nap too and i’m feeling very refreshed and extra cozy too!


As a little treat for myself I bought a new notebook in what I’m affectionately dubbing Hannibal Red and three pastel pink Sarasa pens. I loooooove notebooks. I might use it to archive happy moments, or plot world domination. Only time will tell… haha.


I (finally) cleaned my kitchen in my new apartment and got it into usable order. I’m gonna actually cook for myself this evening! I even went out and bought a holder for all of the big utensils.


Oh, you’d love my vintage Columbia windbreaker, it makes the shhh-shhh-shhh-shhh noise too, and it’s luridly neon. Pink and teal, with a huge pocket in the front and the world’s most ridiculous hot pink neck like a lizard’s frill. I normally hate the sound of slippy pants like that, but on the windbreaker it’s tolerable since it doesn’t move around as much as a pair of pants would.


I also like notebooks. I have a dot journal by my keyboard along with a TWSBI fountain pen.


The journal I picked up today has dotted pages too!! I collect fountain pens- I have a light pink Kaweco Perkeo, a Muji Aluminium Fountain Pen, a pink Pilot Preppy, and I’m hoping to scoop up a white Lamy Safari this holiday season! TWSBI’s make such cool demonstrators, but I’ve always been too nervous about their notorious plastic cracking issues to snag one for myself.


I found a graph-paper notebook in my basement. I can now rule the world.


I have had the TWSBI pens for at least 10 years. I have never had one crack but I did have one of the nibs break. I probably screwed it on to tight.

I have a large shoebox full of pens and mechanical pencils I have collected for decades. I have my mother’s Shaeffer from the 40s and a Shaeffer cartridge pen from grade school days in the 60s. Back then we had to learn cursive with a fountain pen!

I generally purchase my pens from Goulet Pen Co. in Virginia.