What's one positive/neutral thing that's happened today?

Lounge is melting at the ears about timetravel shenanigans.

I also got some drawing done today! Not finished, but it was fun.


I love both of these drawings omg


Lounge chat and I had a lot of fun brainstorming stuff with @pinkunz!! :grin:

Also, I’ve been re-watching a lot of NileRed videos (between intense bouts of coding for SpringThing)! I absolutely love his video on silica aerogel!

Do I have any idea how chemistry works? Not really! All I know is to not enthusiastically add hydrogen to oxygen, because they will instruct you on a whole new kind of enthusiasm, in return! They may even teach you a few fun tricks for the fire extinguisher, like how to put out a major fire while trying not to panic!!

(Joking aside, disclaimer: Do not mix hydrogen and oxygen. It explosively creates water, and is a fundamental kind of combustion. I mostly know this one because it intersects with my aerospace special interest. Do not try it at home. Ever. That reaction can make towers of steel leave the atmosphere.)

But even if I don’t know a lot about chemistry, I just like watching the cool things he does! It’s sorta like watching someone paint! Sometimes he’ll say something that I suspect is supposed to be funny, so I share it with my dad (who worked in organic chem for a long time), and then he gets a good laugh out of it!


My old notebook died on me earlier this week, the day after I wrote 4k words… (I was able to get the data back, thankfully). So I got an early birthday present. Arriving Friday. yay :smiley:


I was driving on the country road that leads to my house, and a chicken was crossing the road (which in and of itself is funny every time it happens), so I stopped to let this chicken cross. And the chicken stopped, too, just standing in the road in front of the car. So I wait a minute, and then I honk at the chicken, who responds by attacking the car-- now it’s right in front of the car and I can’t see it anymore. So I REALLY honk at the chicken, who pops up in front of the car onto the hood. So I start the car rolling and there’s this chicken on the hood of the car, so I keep honking and finally the chicken kind of rolls off the car and flutters into the ditch, then stands there staring at me as I drive away.

And now I know why the chicken crosses the road. It’s to play power games, establish dominance, and make me feel foolish.


I’ve been trying to stretch and exercise a bit since both my job and most of my hobbies are sedentary and I have occasional repetitive stress pain and a lower back that can flip out if I pull something wrong. So I’m randomly searching “groovy yoga music” on YouTube on my phone and happened across this track. I’m not familiar with “vinyasa-flow yoga” but sign me up. When they talk about music being “infectious” this is what they mean. Maybe I was in the right headspace but somehow the polyrhythms of this unlocked different muscle groups and for the next like 45 minutes I felt like I was in a Bollywood music sequence of movement and rhythm - and while my brain zoned-out and let go I had actual ideas for my WIP materialize while floor-grooving - likely a thought-to-movement connection. So happy nobody can see me nerd-dancing in my apartment at 2am…


Actually this was yesterday but the thing happened at a party and I went home afterwords and it was late, so, you know, kick me out if that’s enforced or something, but anyways I was at the party and one of my friends said that my hair was beautiful (flattering, gratifying, completely sincere as she usually is) but finished the sentence with “like Pocahontas,” which immediately dropped me into a “okay but I’m Chinese is that, like, what?” but you know what, sure, slight wtf aside I’ll take it. I was very tickled that that was her comparison point though.


To be fair, the way Disney made her hair move was lovely.


Sometimes compliments from others are not always taken as they are intended. When my daughter was in her mid teens, her grandmother called her statuesque. She ran to her room crying. My daughter is quite tall and very pretty. At the time, she was very sensitive about her height and thought statuesque was a pejorative term.

Having your hair compared to Pocahontas was surely meant to be a nice compliment.


Been enjoying drafting by hand again. Pen and paper always manages to help me claw my way out of writer’s block, and it feels good to put stationery to use. I have to refill my fountain pen later- I’ve run it down to about a little less than a quarter full. Also kind of cool to be able to visualize how many supplies have gone into a project. Maybe I’ll even finish off my bottle of ink in a reasonable amount of time!


When I studied engineering drawing in 1970, all we had were hand sharpened pencils and drafting set ink pens. :wink:

I miss my K&E set and even later a Leroy set. I do still have several slide rules. I used to actually carry one on my belt… and a pocket protector…


Kite sent me a kitty picture- she occasionally does this when she finds ones she thinks I might like or not already have in my collection. I also managed to identify and pull up one she requested, which was fun! (Also, if I don’t show the pictures I’m talking about, generally it’s because I feel it’s rude of me to share pictures of my friends pets and their immediate personal surroundings in frame if I haven’t been given explicit permission to share. Know that all the little meowmeows owned in the group are quite cute.)


Jinx put up a personal site, and I thought it was adorable how she put a quote from Brian, Manon and Rovarsson on a page. I was like, hey, I know them! Always fun to find references to people from the forums in the wild.


A very creative website.


Honestly, it puts mine to shame. It has such a cool and well executed vibe!
Really didn’t expect my name to be on there either :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve recoded my intro, and now I like the whole vibe much better!


After a terrible night of sleep (and like 4 months since I got this feedback), I finally found the solution for the intro issue of my IF Comp entry last year. Like when I woke up. It seemed so evident. I can keep what I really wanted and fix a couple of other feedback I got with that new idea (especially the pacing issue :smiley: ).

Really excited to get back to it :smiley:
But finish your current project first, Manon…


Mad’s been busy with work, but reached out this morning to say meowdy! I convinced him to take a peek at the forums sometime soon, so perhaps we’ll see a post from Mad on the introductions thread. He’s been trying to share a kitty video of his pet cat chewing the hell out of his bracelets in an attempt to be annoying about the fact he’s awake and not petting said kitty, which has been pretty funny. Technology continues to outfox us all.

Also, Mad is one of the few people I actually text (though we do also keep in touch over Discord as most young people do these days) and while absently clearing the pins to save the introductions thread for him to check out later, I found this exchange between us hahaha.


I was chilly last night working at home in the corner bedroom that tends to be the coldest, so I pulled a long-sleeve shirt out of the closet. I hadn’t worn it since last winter - I usually only wear it over another shirt and then hang it back up again because it doesn’t get dirty enough to require frequent laundering.

As I was sitting there I caught a whiff of cigarette smoke. The fact that I could even perceive that a garment had been around cigarette smoke was surprising. It wouldn’t even have registered before.


Did you quit smoking? And you have stayed quit?


I transitioned to vaping through October and didn’t purchase cigarettes again probably mid-November. I “quit” formally this year and now that I don’t have a tobacco surcharge on my health insurance it was like getting a raise!

I actually got the vapes to make it easier to get through my work-at-home job because cigarettes were a nuisance, and luckily almost immediately realized I didn’t enjoy smoking as much, nor the mess it creates.

I didn’t intend to quit so fast but the immediate benefit made it easier. I’m still on nicotine with the vaping, but I will cut that down eventually too. Right now I’m having too much fun with different flavors.