What TADS 3 library and code editor do you use?

  • Adv3
  • Adv3lite
  • VSCode
  • Workbench on Windows
  • Workbench on Linux/Mac via WINE/etc.
  • Other Editor (specify in replies, and if there’s a T3 syntax extension)

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Hello folks, I’m curious what people are using lately. You can select more than one option (if I set this up right). Thanks for sharing.


I use adv3 (+/- an ever-growing stable of modules).

For editing I mostly use vi. Or I guess vim, if we’re being pedantic. For situations where I have to make consistent changes project-wide I generally use atom.

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I use Visual Studio Code with Tomas’ vscode-tads3tools.



As editor, I use Kate, whose has an excellent syntax evidentiation.


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I very much enjoy the standard TADS 3 Windows IDE. The syntax highlighting and auto indentation provide a lot of feedback on errors (mostly punctuation) during the writing process and save me a lot of time.

For Inform 6, I prefer VScode. Its built in terminal window is perfect for testing while writing and it works well on my RPi. Inform 7’s IDE is incredible. I just prefer TADS and I6. BTW, the new version of I7 works well on the RPi too! :slight_smile:

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This might be an unpopular opinion around here, but don’t see the appeal of the Workbench at all. The UI really shows its age and the ide doesn’t do much a normal text editor + terminal window can’t. Plus, workbench tends to clutter your makefile unnecessarily.

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I find the interactive debugger in Workbench to be somewhat essential. Although at the same time, the total lack of autocomplete is annoying.


I’ve often wondered how different my TADS life would have been with access to a debugger (on Mac)…


Ditto on linux. So far I’ve been able to reverse engineer from lines of code but it is not painless. Or quick.


Eh. Probably not too different.

I can solve 98% of errors without a debugger in less than 10 seconds, usually. Though I apparently have this weird curse that causes debuggers to go missing, so I’ve had to learn—out of necessity—to do without.

Literally the only language that can successfully open a debugger is Java, through the NetBeans IDE. Otherwise I’ve not had access to a debugger in Python, JavaScript, C, C++, or TADS 3. The C# debugger, meanwhile, hates me and refuses to open at all.

However, with that said, would I appreciate having a working debugger in TADS 3? Absolutely.


For python, consider Wing IDE. I use it from time to time with good results.

(Even so, I am not a fan of Python - I find the indentation fiddly.)


Same. I try to solve the problem with anything else first, lol.

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I’d probably use the debugger more if it was standalone/usable from the command line. But in practice the only thing it does that really seems useful is the ability to set breakpoints and step through execution, and so I end up faking them with my own roll-your-own debugging methods.

If T3 had a debugger like gdb and a memory profiler like valgrind that would be very cool, but I’m probably one of like 1% of the already tiny T3 user base that cares about that kind of thing.

I use Kate (Linux KDE desktop.) It supports syntax highlighting for TADS 3.