What might cause this programming error?

I’m using 6L38 and I got this. The ‘Results’ pane is fine, but there’s just this.

Anyone know what might cause this?

Have you tried turning on RULES and ACTIONS to see what’s going on when it happens? What rule is running right before the error?

These links seem to describe similar errors:

reddit.com/r/Inform7/commen … oyed_room/


EDIT: can you do “showobj 702650” in game to discover what the object without siblings in the containment/support/carrying hierarchy is?

It looks like in both those cases the error arose from trying to remove a room from play. For an example, try this code:

[code]Lab is a room. “Otherlab is north of here.” Otherlab is a north of lab.

After going to Otherlab from Lab:
say “The passage collapses behind you!”;
now Lab is nowhere.[/code]

That yields:

If that’s what’s going on, keep in mind that you can’t move a room to nowhere–the way to do that is “change the [direction] exit of [room] to nowhere,” like this:

[code]Lab is a room. “Otherlab is north of here.” Otherlab is a north of lab.

After going to Otherlab from Lab:
say “The passage collapses behind you!”;
change the south exit of otherlab to nowhere;
change the north exit of lab to nowhere.[/code]

(And if that’s not what’s going on, sorry! As bg said, try to use “Rules” and “Actions” to figure out what’s triggering it, and then see if you can post some code that helps explain the error.)

Oh!! I didn’t even know that those debugging commands existed (clearly have neglected one bit of the documentation) and… yes, I know where I’ve gone wrong. Thank you all so much!

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