Way to refer to NPCs and learning names?


I was wondering if there was a way to give an NPC two or more nouns, but not by synonyms because another NPC may have the same noun.

For example, if you have an old woman named Jill, and a young woman named Jane, it would be nice to refer to both of them as woman.

examine woman

And if they are in separate rooms, you would get the response.

However, once you learn their names, you would get the appropriate response as well.

Is this possible? Thanks!

The only way I can think of off the top of my head (in the current version of Adventuron) is to manually disambiguate.

: match "_ woman" {
   : if (is_present "jane") {
      : if (is_present "jill") {
         : print "Which woman?";
      : else {
         : set_noun1 "jane";
   : else {
      : if (is_present "jill") {
         : set_noun1 "jill";
      : else {
         : print "There is no woman here.";
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