Victor's IF Comp 2024 reviews

The Dragon of Silverton Mine by Vukasin Davic

I made a meme. Here it is:

Anakin saying: I made an interactive fiction. Padme, laughing: without timed text, right? Anakin looks very serious. Padme repeats, looking worried: without timed text, right?

See, I had a lot of time to make this meme, because The Dragon of Silverton Mine uses timed text. Really, really slow timed text. And it uses it for displaying, near the end of the game, really rather long passages. The seemingly interminable waiting completely took me out of the piece. I started up a game of patience at one point, then decided to make this meme instead. So please, Vukasin Davic, for the love of God, go into your source code right now, delete all the timed text shenanigans, then upload the result to the competition website. Your average rating in the competition will rise measurably.

Up until that point, I was quite enjoying The Dragon of Silverton Mine. It’s a short choice-based puzzle game – a form that seems to be completely mature by now – which gives a fairly fresh spin on ye olde dungeon crawl. The puzzles are easy, and the number of combinations you could try is anyway quite small. But you have a nice sense of progress; there are some whimsical people and other creatures to meet; and all in all it’s just a nice and competently made little game. A worthy addition to the growing corpus of choice-based puzzlers.