Very short simple interactive fictions needed!

Sorry for being a little late, but I wanted to post the list of words for my first game. If someone already has selected some it’s not too late for me to choose others.

The numbers refer to the frequency of that word’s ‘family’ in the list ela gave us, I wasn’t sure but I thought it would be good to select from each family.

Thanks a lot George! It’s OK if you have 1 2 words in common with others! :slight_smile:

Yeeeyy! I’ve received my first game from Katz and I love it! So easy and interesting…

Thanks a lot :smiley: :slight_smile:

Am still waiting for your games! :frowning:

I guess this ship has sailed by now? I would’ve loved to make a couple of these.

Thanks a lot!I just got only one game (I wanted 4 5 at least) so my project got canceled. :frowning:

Oh damn, sorry to hear that :confused: