using the player sleeping during a scene to trigger

the start of a new scene.

so if there is a scene called day 1 late night. that ends when the new scene begins.

and a location called “your bedroom”

how would you word it to have the scene end when you sleep in that location during that scene?

compiler seems to be a lil fussy atm.

heres is some applicable code:

check sleeping:
if the player is not in your bedroom:
say “You cant just sleep anywhere, better off heading to your bed.”;
stop the action.

The block sleeping rule is not listed in any rulebook.

day 2 morning is a scene.
day 2 morning begins when the player sleeps during day 1 late night.

which gives this output:

Problem. In the sentence ‘day 2 morning begins when the player sleeps during day 1 late night’ , I was expecting to read a condition, but instead found some text that I couldn’t understand - ‘the player sleeps during day 1 late night’.

Problem. You wrote ‘day 2 morning begins when the player sleeps during day 1 late night’ : but ‘begins when’ and ‘ends when’ must be followed by a condition, which this does not seem to be.

Scenes can’t be triggered by player action directly, only by a state change. I’ve used an awake/asleep property below:

[code]A person can be asleep or awake. A person is usually awake.

The block sleeping rule is not listed in any rulebook.

check sleeping when the player is not in your bedroom:
say “You cant just sleep anywhere, better off heading to your bed.”;
stop the action.

Carry out sleeping:
now the player is asleep.

Report sleeping:
say “You go to sleep.”

Day 1 late night ends when the player is asleep.

day 2 morning is a scene. day 2 morning begins when day 1 late night ends.[/code]


thank you Juhana.