Yeah, Discourse is weird, though I know we have blind people here who’ve figured out how to navigate it. Hmm… I should fire up a screenreader and try it: I haven’t done that here, I don’t think.
Threads are infinite-scroll: they load more posts as you scroll instead of having pagination. It does update the URL bar as you scroll to add slash-1 slash-2 slash-3 etc. (with the post number in that thread) to the end, so it is possible to link directly to a particular post. And they’ve messed with the Home and End keys so they take you all the way to the start and end of the whole thread, not just the start and end of the posts that are currently loaded.
It also doesn’t have a single forum index: you can get:
- Categories gives info about the main categories but only shows a couple threads for each category.
- Latest shows all the threads ordered by which one has the most recent post.
- New shows threads that you haven’t looked at (I don’t use this much because it’s unstable: as soon as you view a thread it goes away).
- Unread shows threads you’re tracking that have new posts since last time you read them (again, unstable).
- Top topics is something I’ve never used, but it exists…
Dunno if that helps at all, but… anyway, welcome!