Updating IFWiki

IFDB is highly customized to describe games. It is bad at anything that is not games.

IFWiki has a lot of information about IF history. (History of Infocom. History of various competitions – this is not the same as lists of games that were entered! History of the Golden Banana. That sort of thing.)

IFWiki also has information on non-game software like interpreters, development tools, etc. You might say “Oh, just start creating IFDB pages for these things!” but it’s not that simple. For these sorts of entries, you don’t want a list of “reviews”; you want a single page of factual information. (What features it supports, what platforms it runs on, the release history, etc, etc.)

Once you commit to having pages of factual information, you need the other appurtenances of a wiki, such as hyperlinks and an edit history.