Updating extensions in the GitHub repo for Inform7 v10

Do you also have any data for the older branches?

You don’t need to put in any comments yet. We may not decide to use that system.

And it’s probably easiest for you to just create the branches. You can’t actually create branches without anything to put in them, and I don’t really have anything yet. Unless I was to copy the readme.

I’m open to adding 6L38 and 6L02 later but for now I’ll stick to 10.1 and 6M62 (and now I’m leaning toward saying 9.3 having thought about it longer). If there’s ever to be a 6G60 someone else can take that on: on Linux one needs a kernel out of yesteryear to run it.

With regard to the naming of the 6M62 / 9.3 branch, I would like to note this:

Whichever way we name the branch, we should consider putting up a symbolic-ref with the other name. This is a sort of obscure corner of git, but it’s probably useful here. It’s also being used by people whose repos are moving from “master” to “main”.

For 6L02 / 6L38, are there any extensions which compile on one of those and not on 6M62?

6G60 isn’t shipped in the retrospective/ folder of the new release and it’s impossible to run the original compiler on Linux, so it’s definitely worth forgetting about. Extensions which only compile on it are best classified as “don’t compile anywhere” unless someone on a system where the old closed-source compiler runs really wants to take it on.

I know Daniel Stelzer gave up on trying to update Scroll Thief from 6L38 to 6M62 because of problems porting extensions. I don’t know whether those problems were couldn’t-compile or just didn’t-work.

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What links will break? Links from the intfiction forum to old versions of extensions? (Is it a bad thing if links to outdated versions break? Is there a way to make it so that if you follow an old link, you land on a notice that says “Extensions have moved; follow this link?”)

For those of us who don’t really understand how branches work, it might be less confusing to use folders, or even a new repo for version 10 stuff. Not sure.

Hmm, I wouldn’t mind trying to update all those Scroll Thief extensions some year. At the moment the published source of Scroll Thief can’t be compiled without two unpublished extensions by Daniel Stelzer (Compass Rose and Pronoun Modifications), which are politely marked with (!!!) in the source code, so that’s a little bit too much for me to even take a crack at it. Maybe some time in the future.

FWIW, I am making progress on updating my own extensions; I am doing this on the v10-fixes-neroden branch on my copy of the repo

My aspiration is to also update informant.rb to create a listing/description page for both 10.1 and 6M62/9.3; the output will get committed to the master branch’s docs dir and continue to be what is seen at Friends of I7 Extensions. But I’ll do the commit extensions to version branches step first.

For the 10.1 branch, things without versions will become version 1.

I’m going to quietly omit the GNU GPLv3 extension from the version-specific branches, what with it being far from a community standard. It can always be added back if there’s interest.

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Okay, the easy one is done. Friends extensions 9.3/6M62 branch.

Aaron Reed/Remembering.i7x
Alice Grove/Spelling for Screenreaders.i7x
Andrew Plotkin/Unicode Parser.i7x
Andrew Schultz/Freezing Time on Rejects.i7x
Daniel Stelzer/Article Bug Fix.i7x
Daniel Stelzer/Autosave.i7x
Daniel Stelzer/Distant Movement.i7x
Daniel Stelzer/Distant Room Descriptions.i7x
Daniel Stelzer/Multiple Actors.i7x
Daniel Stelzer/Play Counter.i7x
Daniel Stelzer/Problem-Solving Characters.i7x
Daniel Stelzer/Remembering.i7x
Daniel Stelzer/Threaded Conversation.i7x
Daniel Stelzer/Verbal Conjugation.i7x
Dannii Willis/C.i7x
Dannii Willis/Fancy Status Lines.i7x
Dannii Willis/High Performance Indexed Text.i7x
Dannii Willis/Hyperlinks.i7x
Dannii Willis/Simple Unit Tests.i7x
Dannii Willis/Ultra Undo.i7x
David Corbett/Constraint Solver.i7x
Erik Temple/Glimmr Animation Fader - Black.i7x
Erik Temple/Glimmr Automap Tileset.i7x
Erik Temple/Glimmr Automap.i7x
Erik Temple/Glimmr Bitmap Font.i7x
Erik Temple/Glimmr Canvas Editor.i7x
Erik Temple/Glimmr Debugging Console.i7x
Erik Temple/Glimmr Form Fields.i7x
Erik Temple/Glimmr Image Font.i7x
Erik Temple/Glimmr Simple Graphics Window.i7x
Erik Temple/Glulx Debugging Console.i7x
Erik Temple/Glulx Input Loops.i7x
Erik Temple/Glulx Real Time.i7x
Erik Temple/Glulx Status Window Control.i7x
Erik Temple/HTML Color Names for Glulx Text Effects.i7x
Erik Temple/Text Window Input-Output Control.i7x
Free Software Foundation/GNU General Public License v3.i7x
Friends of I7/6G60 Patches.i7x
Friends of I7/6L38 Patches.i7x
John W Kennedy/Advanced Help Menu.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Basic Help Hyperlinks IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Basic Help Hyperlinks.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Basic Help IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Bulk Limiter IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Command Line IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Command Line.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Configurable Creative Commons License IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Configurable Creative Commons License.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Conversation Framework IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Conversation Nodes IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Conversation Package IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Conversation Responses IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Conversation Rules IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Conversation Suggestions IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Conversational Defaults IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Dishes IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Exit Descriptions IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Exit Lister IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Exit Lister.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Facing IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Hiding Under IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Hyperlink Interface IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Hyperlink Interface.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Implicit Actions IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Italian.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Keyword Interface IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Locksmith IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Map IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Map.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Measured Liquid IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/MilleUna Conversation IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/MilleUna Conversation.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/MilleUna Framework IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/MilleUna Framework.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/MilleUna Help IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/MilleUna Help.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/MilleUna Interface IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/MilleUna Interface.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/MilleUna World IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/NPC Implicit Actions IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Notepad IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Numbered Disambiguation Choices.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Quip-Based Conversation IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Reactable Quips IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Remembering IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Remembering.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Rideable Vehicles IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Simple Followers.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Small Kindnesses IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Standard Inventory IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Status Line.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Suggested Actions IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Suggested Actions.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Telephones IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Threaded Conversation IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Trinity Inventory IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Tutorial Mode Hyperlinks IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Tutorial Mode Hyperlinks.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Underside IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Written Inventory IT.i7x
Marc von der Heiden/Distantly Visible Things_6G60.i7x
Marc von der Heiden/Distantly Visible Things_6L02.i7x
Mike Ciul/Approximate Quantities.i7x
Mike Ciul/Automated Testing.i7x
Mike Ciul/Autoundo for Object Response Tests.i7x
Mike Ciul/Conditional Backdrops.i7x
Mike Ciul/Crowds.i7x
Mike Ciul/Disambiguation Override.i7x
Mike Ciul/Lost Items.i7x
Mike Ciul/Multitudes.i7x
Mike Ciul/Speech Motivations.i7x
Nels Olsen/Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Characters.i7x
Nels Olsen/Slotted Wearing and Wielding.i7x
Ron Newcomb/Problem-Solving Characters.i7x
ShadowChaser/Basic Characters.i7x
Zed Lopez/Fluid Pronouns.i7x
Zed Lopez/Text Box.i7x


AW Freyr/Hybrid Choices.i7x
Aaron Reed/Commonly Unimplemented.i7x
Aaron Reed/Dynamic Rooms.i7x
Aaron Reed/Extended Grammar.i7x
Aaron Reed/Keyword Interface.i7x
Aaron Reed/Numbered Disambiguation Choices.i7x
Aaron Reed/Poor Man's Mistype.i7x
Aaron Reed/Response Assistant.i7x
Aaron Reed/Small Kindnesses.i7x
Aaron Reed/Smarter Parser.i7x
Alice Grove/Common Commands Sidebar.i7x
Alice Grove/Simple Spelling.i7x
Andrew Owen/Secret Doors.i7x
Andrew Plotkin/Disappearing Doors.i7x
Andrew Plotkin/Optimized Epistemology.i7x
Andrew Plotkin/Serial And Fix.i7x
Andrew Plotkin/Unified Glulx Input.i7x
Andrew Schultz/In-Line Topical Hints.i7x
B David Paulsen/Rapid Prototyping.i7x
Bart Massey/Basic Literacy.i7x
Brady Garvin/Object Kinds.i7x
Brady Garvin/Scopability.i7x
Brian Rushton/Clues and Conversation.i7x
Chris Conley/Conversation Builder.i7x
Chris Conley/Threaded Conversation.i7x
Creative Commons/Configurable Creative Commons License.i7x
Daniel Gaskell/Volumetric Limiter.i7x
Daniel Stelzer/Alternate Lighting System.i7x
Daniel Stelzer/Boolean Variables.i7x
Daniel Stelzer/Cleared Events.i7x
Daniel Stelzer/Command Casing.i7x
Daniel Stelzer/Command Modification.i7x
Daniel Stelzer/Command Preloading.i7x
Daniel Stelzer/Conversation Touchability Fix.i7x
Daniel Stelzer/Debugging.i7x
Daniel Stelzer/Default Styles.i7x
Daniel Stelzer/Empty Command Handling.i7x
Daniel Stelzer/Glulx Text Styles.i7x
Daniel Stelzer/Helpful Functions.i7x
Daniel Stelzer/Hidden Prompt.i7x
Daniel Stelzer/Inline Hyperlinks.i7x
Daniel Stelzer/Modified Timekeeping.i7x
Daniel Stelzer/Music.i7x
Daniel Stelzer/Output Silencing.i7x
Daniel Stelzer/Runtime Replacements.i7x
Daniel Stelzer/Subcommands.i7x
Daniel Stelzer/Third Noun.i7x
Daniel Stelzer/Typographical Conveniences.i7x
Dannii Willis/Alternative Startup Rules.i7x
Dannii Willis/Benchmarking.i7x
Dannii Willis/Better Flex.i7x
Dannii Willis/Collections.i7x
Dannii Willis/Data Structures.i7x
Dannii Willis/Glk Events.i7x
Dannii Willis/Glk Object Recovery.i7x
Dannii Willis/Glk Text Formatting.i7x
Dannii Willis/Glulx Definitions.i7x
Dannii Willis/Highscores.i7x
Dannii Willis/Infra Undo.i7x
Dannii Willis/JSON.i7x
Dannii Willis/Menus.i7x
Dannii Willis/Mutable Kinds.i7x
Dannii Willis/Startup Precomputation.i7x
Dannii Willis/Xorshift.i7x
Dave Robinson/Snippetage.i7x
David A Wheeler/Dice.i7x
David Corbett/Mobile Doors.i7x
David Cornelson/Basic Help.i7x
David Ratliff/Armed.i7x
Edward Griffiths/Adventure Book.i7x
Emily Short/Approaches.i7x
Emily Short/Assorted Text Generation.i7x
Emily Short/Automated Drawers.i7x
Emily Short/Basic Hyperlinks.i7x
Emily Short/Computers.i7x
Emily Short/Deluxe Doors.i7x
Emily Short/Dishes.i7x
Emily Short/Facing.i7x
Emily Short/Glulx Entry Points.i7x
Emily Short/Glulx Text Effects.i7x
Emily Short/Introductions.i7x
Emily Short/Location Images.i7x
Emily Short/Measured Liquid.i7x
Emily Short/Modern Conveniences.i7x
Emily Short/Modified Exit.i7x
Emily Short/Mood Variations.i7x
Emily Short/Ordinary Room Description.i7x
Emily Short/Postures.i7x
Emily Short/Power Sources.i7x
Emily Short/Property Checking.i7x
Emily Short/Recorded Endings.i7x
Emily Short/Room Description Control.i7x
Emily Short/Simple Followers.i7x
Emily Short/Simple Graphical Window.i7x
Emily Short/Single Paragraph Description.i7x
Emily Short/Tailored Room Description.i7x
Emily Short/Transit System.i7x
Emily Short/Tutorial Mode.i7x
Eric Eve/Adaptive Hints.i7x
Eric Eve/Alternatives.i7x
Eric Eve/Bulk Limiter.i7x
Eric Eve/Conversation Framework.i7x
Eric Eve/Conversation Nodes.i7x
Eric Eve/Conversation Package.i7x
Eric Eve/Conversation Responses.i7x
Eric Eve/Conversation Rules.i7x
Eric Eve/Conversation Suggestions.i7x
Eric Eve/Conversational Defaults.i7x
Eric Eve/Exit Lister.i7x
Eric Eve/Hiding Under.i7x
Eric Eve/Implicit Actions.i7x
Eric Eve/Limited Implicit Actions.i7x
Eric Eve/List Control.i7x
Eric Eve/List Controller.i7x
Eric Eve/NPC Implicit Actions.i7x
Eric Eve/Text Capture.i7x
Eric Eve/Underside.i7x
Eric Eve/Variable Time Control.i7x
Erik Temple/Extended Debugging.i7x
Erik Temple/Glimmr Canvas Animation.i7x
Erik Temple/Glimmr Canvas-Based Drawing.i7x
Erik Temple/Glimmr Drawing Commands.i7x
Erik Temple/Glimmr Graphic Hyperlinks.i7x
Erik Temple/Inline Hyperlinks.i7x
Erik Temple/Real-Time Delays.i7x
Erik Temple/Undo Output Control.i7x
Friends of I7/6M62 Patches.i7x
Friends of I7/Interpreter Sniffing.i7x
Gavin Lambert/Brief Room Descriptions.i7x
Gavin Lambert/Enterable Underside.i7x
Gavin Lambert/Exit Lister.i7x
Gavin Lambert/Extended Banner.i7x
Gavin Lambert/Glk Input Suspending.i7x
Gavin Lambert/Hyperlink Extension Registry.i7x
Gavin Lambert/Hyperlinks.i7x
Gavin Lambert/Inline Hyperlinks.i7x
Gavin Lambert/Prepositional Correctness.i7x
Gavin Lambert/Rideable Vehicles.i7x
Gavin Lambert/Secret Doors.i7x
Gavin Lambert/Title Page.i7x
Graham Nelson/Rideable Vehicles.i7x
Hanon Ondricek/Easy Doors.i7x
Jeff Nyman/Contextual Descriptions.i7x
Jeff Nyman/Description Decay.i7x
Jeff Nyman/Nuanced Timekeeping.i7x
Jeff Nyman/Relative Placement and Direction.i7x
Jeff Nyman/Story Substrate.i7x
Jeff Nyman/Supplemental.i7x
Jeff Nyman/World Knowledge.i7x
Jeff Sheets/Graphic Links.i7x
Jesse McGrew/Dynamic Objects.i7x
Jesse McGrew/Dynamic Tables.i7x
Jesse McGrew/Hypothetical Questions.i7x
Jim Aikin/Notepad.i7x
John Clemens/Consolidated Multiple Actions.i7x
John Clemens/Scheduled Activities.i7x
Jon Ingold/Disambiguation Control.i7x
Jon Ingold/Far Away.i7x
Jon Ingold/Flexible Windows.i7x
Jon Ingold/Title Page.i7x
Juhana Leinonen/Achievements.i7x
Juhana Leinonen/Bulky Items.i7x
Juhana Leinonen/Debug Files.i7x
Juhana Leinonen/Object Response Tests.i7x
Juhana Leinonen/Regional Travel.i7x
Juhana Leinonen/Reversed Persuasion Correction.i7x
Juhana Leinonen/Vorple Command Prompt Control.i7x
Juhana Leinonen/Vorple Element Manipulation.i7x
Juhana Leinonen/Vorple Hyperlinks.i7x
Juhana Leinonen/Vorple Modal Windows.i7x
Juhana Leinonen/Vorple Multimedia.i7x
Juhana Leinonen/Vorple Notifications.i7x
Juhana Leinonen/Vorple Screen Effects.i7x
Juhana Leinonen/Vorple Status Line.i7x
Juhana Leinonen/Vorple Tooltips.i7x
Juhana Leinonen/Vorple.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Automap IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Basic Help Menu IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Bulky Items IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Creative Commons Public License IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Menus IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/MilleUna World.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/MilleUna for Gargoyle with graphics.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/MilleUna for Gargoyle.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/MilleUna for Quixe with graphics.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/MilleUna for Quixe.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Numbered Disambiguation Choices IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Patrollers IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Questions IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Release for Gargoyle.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Release for Quixe.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Scoring IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Scoring.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Simple Followers IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Simple Graphical Window.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Simple HTML Window.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Title Page IT.i7x
Leonardo Boselli/Written Inventory.i7x
Mark Tilford/Automap.i7x
Massimo Stella/Italian Language.i7x
Massimo Stella/Multiple Sounds.i7x
Matt Weiner/Actions on Groups.i7x
Matt Weiner/Indefinite Article Substitution Fix.i7x
Matt Weiner/Responsive Disambiguation for 6M62.i7x
Michael Callaghan/Questions.i7x
Michael Kielstra/Debug Tags.i7x
Michael Martin/Assumed Conversers.i7x
Michael Martin/Quip-Based Conversation.i7x
Michael Martin/Reactable Quips.i7x
Michael Martin/Unicode Interrogation.i7x
Mikael Segercrantz/Achievements.i7x
Mikael Segercrantz/Atmospheric Effects.i7x
Mikael Segercrantz/Randomness.i7x
Mikael Segercrantz/Trinity Inventory.i7x
Mike Ciul/Autotaking.i7x
Mike Ciul/Effective Infinity.i7x
Mike Ciul/Flexible Action Requirements.i7x
Mike Ciul/Objects Matching Snippets.i7x
Mike Ciul/Scope Caching.i7x
Mike Ciul/Takeability.i7x
Mike Ciul/Unknown Word Error.i7x
Nate Cull/Basic Plans.i7x
Nate Cull/Planner.i7x
Nathanael Nerode/Character Portraits.i7x
Nathanael Nerode/Compliant Characters.i7x
Nathanael Nerode/Gender Options.i7x
Nathanael Nerode/Gender Speedup.i7x
Nathanael Nerode/Initial Cursor at Top or Bottom.i7x
Nathanael Nerode/Large Game Speedup.i7x
Nathanael Nerode/Nathanael's Cookbook.i7x
Nathanael Nerode/Nathanael's Debug Tools.i7x
Nathanael Nerode/Neutral Standard Responses.i7x
Nathanael Nerode/Parser Error Number Bugfix.i7x
Nathanael Nerode/Room Description Supporter Bugfixes.i7x
Nathanael Nerode/Standard Rules Dead Code Removal.i7x
Nathanael Nerode/Tab Removal.i7x
Nathanael Nerode/Title Case for Headings.i7x
Nathanael Nerode/Undo Output Control.i7x
Nathanael Nerode/Verb Stripping.i7x
Peter Orme/Checkpoints.i7x
Peter Orme/Developer Framework.i7x
Peter Orme/Flexible Logger.i7x
Peter Orme/Object Descriptors.i7x
Peter Orme/Possible Movements.i7x
Peter Orme/Unit Testing.i7x
Peter Orme/Universal Opening.i7x
Ron Newcomb/After Not Doing Something.i7x
Ron Newcomb/Command Prompt on Cue.i7x
Ron Newcomb/Editable Stored Actions.i7x
Ron Newcomb/Permission to Visit.i7x
Ron Newcomb/Phrases for Adaptive Pacing.i7x
Ron Newcomb/Phrases for Tables with Topics.i7x
Ron Newcomb/Real Date and Time.i7x
Ron Newcomb/Rewrite the Command Line.i7x
Ron Newcomb/Scope Control.i7x
Ron Newcomb/Unsuccessful PC Attempt.i7x
Sarah Morayati/Basic Real Time.i7x
Sean Turner/Plugs and Sockets.i7x
Sebastian Arg/Spanish Language.i7x
Shin/Game Ending Reloaded.i7x
Shin/Points Awarding Reloaded.i7x
Shin/Singing Reloaded.i7x
Shin/Swearing Reloaded.i7x
Stephen Granade/Footnotes.i7x
Taryn Michelle/Print Stage Detection.i7x
Wade Clarke/Basic Help Menu.i7x
Wade Clarke/Menus.i7x
Xavid/Command Unit Testing.i7x
Xavid/Directional Disambiguation.i7x
Xavid/Expanded Understanding.i7x
Xavid/Graphical Map.i7x
Xavid/Object Matching.i7x
Xavid/Scenery Words.i7x
Xavid/Visible from a Distance.i7x
Zed Lopez/Bit Ops.i7x
Zed Lopez/Char.i7x
Zed Lopez/Code.i7x
Zed Lopez/Custom Banner and Version.i7x
Zed Lopez/If True.i7x
Zed Lopez/Inquiry.i7x
Zed Lopez/List Utilities.i7x
Zed Lopez/Parser Error Details.i7x
Zed Lopez/Pseudodevices.i7x
Zed Lopez/Screenreader.i7x
Zed Lopez/Speechless.i7x
zed Lopez/Strange Loopiness.i7x
Zed Lopez/Supercredits.i7x
Zed Lopez/Switch.i7x
Zed Lopez/Tabulate.i7x
Zed Lopez/Text Box.i7x
Zed Lopez/Text Loops.i7x
Zed Lopez/Textile.i7x
Zed Lopez/Trial.i7x
Zed Lopez/Unicode File IO.i7x
Zed Lopez/Unit Tests.i7x
Zed Lopez/Untrimmed Lines.i7x
Zed Lopez/Verbal Commands.i7x
Zed Lopez/Verbs.i7x

The README will need further updating regarding downloading; we need some scheme to provide zipfiles on a per branch basis.

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In the name of semantic version-ification for the v10 branch, I’m converting the 1/220521 variant of versions to 1.3 (or minor version 2 for things with dates beginning 1).

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The Friends Extensions 10.1 branch is there, populated with the things that are believed to work under v10.

@neroden feel free to commit your updates.

@Dannii I don’t have permission to make 10.1 the default branch; could you, please? the links to the current ‘master’ in the READMEs currently don’t work; I’m hoping they work after the change of default. Though possibly 9.3’s README’s link to the 10.1 branch will break.

Other than updating version numbers or adding a version number 1 to those that had none, changing filenames, and adding a rubric to Actions on Groups by Matt Weiner these are the same extensions that existed in the master branch.

There are a bunch of things omitted here that were listed as working in the extension smoketest results I’ve been posting 'cause the latter reflected various small fixes I’d made locally. I haven’t yet re-created those changes, but I’m walking away from the computer now…

(Dang, Discourse is calling me out. “You’ve posted more than 35% of the responses here. Is there anyone else you’d like to hear from?”)

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After struggling a little bit with workflow I think I’ve got everything of mine which you ‘auto-updated’ for me updated properly on both the master branch and the 10.1 branch (there was some compiles-but-no-longer-works stuff going on), plus merged the ones I’d updated over the last few days.

After experiment, I’m realizing that the branch workflow may be a bit messy for maintaining the master branch vs. the 10.1 branch manually, so I’m actually leaning towards having the system auto-populate the 10.1 branch from release comments, and I’m voting that way. This wasn’t my initial inclination, so I guess I was right to try doing the workflow manually before making a decision on how to vote!

It was relatively easy for me because right now all changes to master can simply be merged to 10.1, but as master develops more WIP which doesn’t belong in 10.1, that won’t be possible and it’ll be a painful cherry-picking process, which might be better automated.

Perhaps it is best to think of these not so much as compatibility comments but as “release comments”: marking whether a particular file is being released as part of the “semi-official 10.1 Friends of I7 distribution” or nah.

An alternative approach would be to automatically merge everything to the 10.1 branch unless it failed Zed’s Smoketest!

[I’m getting this too: You’ve posted more than 30% of the replies here, is there anyone else you would like to hear from? I do not actually like this forum software’s attitude]

I’ve changed the default branch and updated the README to point to the 10.1 zip.

Shall I also lock all the branches other than master so that they can’t be committed to directly and must be updated via pull request? This is to stop people putting extensions for 6M62 or WIPs into the 10.1 branch, so that only production ready extensions appear there.

Yes going forward master shouldn’t be merged into 10.1 etc. The branches will need to remain separate. And if anyone wants to update both master, 9.3, 10.1 etc, they’ll need to do each update separately. Unless we implement the automated replication system, in which case they should only update master. (But 9.3 will still require manually updates.)

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Sounds good to me.

And maybe ‘master’ should be renamed not ‘main’ but ‘dev’ or ‘staging’.

Restrictions have been applied to the 9.3 and 10.1 branches.

I’d love to set up a Github Action that automatically checks whether updated files in those branches do compile in those releases.

We can’t rename master without breaking links. It’s not worth doing. Which does remind me I never answered this question…

That’s not possible unfortunately, if the files are removed people following links from the forum or anywhere else will just see a 404 error page, with no info on where else they can go.

oops, was forgetting about the branch name in the /blob/ pages. But now I’m wondering whether we should insert a comment at the top of the extensions in master to explain their status and mention the 10.1 and 9.3 branch pages. I think it’s bordering on more bug than feature to not break those links if they promote someone not immersed in the history of I7 extensions finding Extension X and then being frustrated that it doesn’t work in v10.

Yeah that could be helpful. If you’d like to do that feel free to go ahead. Such a comment shouldn’t be accompanied by a version update though.

There are a few stale branches in the Github repo, two by @peterorme, one by @neroden. Do you mind if I clean them up (ie, delete) them now?