Under the Cognomen of Edgar Allan Poe hints

I’m a bit stuck in the middle of the game.

I have 11 of the clues. However, my avenues of research have all dried up.

I need to open the hatch, but the toper knows about that, so I need to vote. But voting just tells me to come back later. The maid also tells me to come back later.

I have the tobacco leaf, but I couldn’t decide if I was supposed to solve it by brute force or in-game. So I checked hints, and it says the clue is in or near the lighthouse, but I can’t open the hatch because of the above. I know the prisoner smuggled narcotics, and have tried NARCOTIC, NARCOTICS, OPIUM, POPPIES and MORPHINE.

My inventory is:


I am carrying

a singed gibus

a pledge card

a letter

a cipher wheel

a journal

a tobacco leaf

a note

a tunic (with an empty pocket)

My next step would be to lawnmower every hint to hope one is about my current situation, but that would be sad as I haven’t needed hints very much so far and would see a lot not intended if I tried that way.

My journal says:


Clues I have observed to date:

The coat Poe wore when found reeks of smoke and fuel oil.

Poe arrived at Gunner’s Hall several hours after the fire at Lazaretto Point Light.

The discovery of a gibus in the lantern room, much as one Poe would have worn, may indicate he was attacked at Lazaretto Point Light.

The toper at Gunner’s Hall says the man taken to the hospital was Edgar Allan Poe, and not a look-alike or double.

The leaf may have been smuggled to a prisoner or an inmate. The writing on the tobacco leaf appears to be an invisible ink made legible by holding it to a flame.

The Sons of Temperance pledge card Poe carried was signed six weeks ago, suggesting he’s not accepted a drink since.

A critic writing under the pseudonym “L.” devastates the character of several American writers, Poe and Griswold included.

An inmate named Reynolds Grimm recently escaped from Maryland Penitentiary.

“Wilmot” is the middle name of Rufus Griswold.

The escaped prisoner claimed he was the double of a famous writer, a “man who has his name printed in all the slick magazines.”

Upon Poe’s arrival in Baltimore via ferry, he was being followed by a bearded man.

[You’ve uncovered eleven out of eighteen clues.]

Locations in Baltimore I’ve learned about:

Gunner’s Hall is in the Fourth Ward of Baltimore, in the southwest of the central district near the Inner Harbor.

The light-house named Lazaretto Point Light stands far to the southeast at the end of the promontory.

Barnum’s City Hotel stands at Battle Monument Square in the northwest of Baltimore’s central district.

The ferry terminal at Fell’s Point is located south of the hospital at the broadening of the Patapsco River.

Edit: I know have gone through every hint available and still don’t know what to do, especially the tincture word. I followed the guide to get all clues but only have 15, my newest three being the following:


Poe’s shirt is stained with what appears to be wine.

The bearded man following Poe was refined and composed…a gentleman.

The escaped inmate bears a strong resemblance to Rufus Griswold.

I’m not sure which of the rest I didn’t find.

Since it’s late in the day and early in the comp, and I do not know when help will come, I’m going to decompile the game and search the code for tincture to get an idea of where I was meant to look for it.

Second edit: It looks like from the string dump that I needed to get the hatch code from the toper before deciphering the code. But the ladies are still too busy for me to speak with them! Which is frustrating because there’s no physical obstacle to speaking with them, it’s just my character’s decision not to.

Third edit: Ah, I see, at some point in the last few minutes the ladies became free, but I have no idea when that happened.


I’m sorry you had this experience—I did not intend for this puzzle to be so confounding.

Looking over your notes, I suspect what was needed to unlock the next stage of the game was to ask the toper about “L.”, that is, the pseudonymous writer in the magazine you find in the hotel suite. I apparently did not offer enough clues about that.

I’m going to clarify the in-game HINTS about this, and add a clue or two in the game about this as well. It’s mentioned in the walkthrough. I’ll upload the changes as soon as possible.

Thank you for playing!


Thanks for doing that! I only put that much effort in because I wanted to continue the story. If I had disliked the game I would have just stopped, and if I only had mild interest I would have waited until the next day. Your writing and characters made me want to continue in the very moment.


Thank you for the kind words. I really appreciate it.