Twine newbie help

Hey there! I am quite new to Twine 2 and am hoping someone knows the answer to this. In a story, when presented with three choices, I want the player to “collect” three items before he can move on. I want the choice to disappear after he has “collected” each one.

Example, a player must find three clues before he can look for treasure. He can pick the clues in any order, and after collecting each clue the option is no longer available. Any help is much appreciated!

Find the three clues
[[clue 1]]
[[clue 2]]
[[clue 3]]
You found clue 1
[[go back and find the other clues]]
You found clue 2
[[go back and find the other clues]]
You found clue 3
[[go back and find the other clues]]
Go back and find the other clues
[[clue 1]]
[[clue 2]]
[[clue 3]]
[[you got all 3 clues. go find treasure]]
You got all 3 clues. go find treasure

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The simple theory answer without code is to set up variables for each treasure. When the player visits each passage to collect the treasure, set the corresponding variable to TRUE and use an if-statement in the first passage to only display the passage link if the corresponding treasure variable is not TRUE.

Then have a “You found all the treasure!” message or link the player can follow on the initial page that only shows up if all three variables are set to TRUE, also using an if-statement.

Variable setting and checking is dependent on the specific flavor of Twine you’re using.

As @HanonO points out, the actual code depends on which version you want to use. The code below is “Harlowe”, which is the default. Unless you deliberately chosen to use a different language, you’re using Harlowe.

In order to post twine code to this site, we must post it as Twee code. That’s the all-text equivalent of the code you produce using the Twine app (with the clickable boxes).

Twee code looks like this:

::This is a passage header 
This is the body of the passage called "This is a passage header" it continues on until the next line which begins with a double colon.

::second passage
This is the body of "second passage", the text that will be shown to the player and the cod to control it. All of this code is the same as you would type into the app.

So if you take the code below, and copy and paste the contents of each body into a passage with the same name, you will end up with a little working game.

The first passage (Start) is the most complicated, but really it’s only switching text to display (or not) depending on the “flags”. Flags are always “true” or “false”. They’re very quick for a computer to check, but true or false is all they can do. Again, be careful: to Twine, “true” and “True” are different things.

The very first part of it checks if the number of visits is “1”, so it displays that text. The number of visits goes up every time the player sees that passage, so afterwards it’s not true that the value of “visits” is 1 (it doesn’t care what it actually is, only that it’s not “1”.) So after that first visit, the “else” macro does the biz. Notice that you can put more than text in the hook – the stuff between the square brackets. You can put links etc in too.


(if: visits is 1)[The Great Detective looks at you.

"And so, for your final challenge, I 'ave 'idden zee three clues in different rooms! You must bring all of them to me here before I, I! Will admit you to being my assistant!
(set: $hastea to false)(set: $hasbiscuit to false)]

(if: $hasbiscuit is true)["Ah," The Great Detective says. "I see you 'ave brought to me ze clue from the Drawing Room!"]
(else:)["Alas, you have not brought to me ze clue! I suggest you search ze Drawing room!" he says impressively.]
(if: $hastea is true)["This is most encouraging!" The Great Detective says. "I 'ave the tea for my afternoon enjoyment!"]
(else:)["Mon Repos!" The Great Detective says. "Without tea, it cannot occur! I suggest you search the lodge of the Porter!"]

(if: $hastea is true and $hasbiscuit is true)["You are well on your way!" The Great Detective says. "One more clue, it eludes you! But soon the world will be set aright. I, I shall have the pleasant repos, and you shall be my assistant!"]

[[exit to the hall->hallway]]


Opening off this hallway is the [[Library->Start]] (where the Great Detective awaits), the [[Drawing Room]], the [[Porter's Lodge]] and the [[Music Room]].

::Drawing Room

(unless: $hasbiscuit is true)[ Laying on the coffee table is a biscuit. It must be a clue!

[[Take the biscuit]]
(else:)[ There's nothing else to do here except [[exit to the hall->hallway]] ]

::Take the biscuit

(set: $hasbiscuit to true)

You pick up the biscuit.

(display: "Drawing Room")

::Porter's Lodge

The porter's lodge is really a great, leather-bound chair by the doors.

(if: $hastea is false)[There is a cup of tea sitting on a little table beside it.

[[Pick up the tea]].]
(else:)[The little table beside it is bare.]

[[Exit to the hallway->hallway]] 

::Pick up the tea

Carefully, you pick up the cup of tea.
(set: $hastea to true)

[[Return to the hall->hallway]].

I’ve left the third clue for you to implement. When you’re writing the “if” statements, be careful about the nesting. Remember in Harlowe the bit of code in parentheses () tells Twine when to display things, and the bit following, in the square brackets [] tells it what it’s got to display, (or not.)

The two other rooms are implemented in slightly different ways. You can copy either one. (By the way, when I’m learning code, I try to use copy-paste as little as possible. I find I only learn stuff if I type it out one letter at a time. But, “Your Mileage May Vary”, as they say.)

You’ll need to add another flag. It can be anything you like, but must start with a dollar sign. In a proper game, you’d initialize the flags in a specially tagged passage, but I wanted to keep it simple. Notice that the other flags are initilized in the part of the start passage that only runs on the first turn. What happens if you initialize your flag somewhere else in the Start room?

Actually, you don’t need to initialize a flag if you only ever check if it’s true after you’ve used it – but until you actually use the flag it’s “uninitialised” which is neither true nor false. Personally, I always initialize my flags: it makes a nice little handy to refer to list when I’m not sure if the flag I want is $princessGrumpy or $grumpyPrincess.

The first passage doesn’t have to be called Start, but if you change it, remember to change the code in Hallway to match. Be careful when cutting and pasting passage names: Twine thinks that “bedroom” and " bedroom" (with a space at the front) are different passages. Believe me it’s much harder to spot without the quote marks!

“unless” is the mirror image of “if” if you want to say “when this situation is not true” use (unless: bla bla)

Anyway: have fun, and if you get stuck, post. We’re a friendly bunch.

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