Twee Editor Recommendation?

Looking for a recommendation for a Twee editor. Be nice if it had syntax highlighting for sugarcube2 and syntax checking for javascript. My only other requirement is that its not made by microsoft.

I’ve tried Atom, but it’s git plugin is not playing well with recognizing changed files and it doesn’t do line wrap by default. Also it’s been abandoned overnight recently, killing the package support that made Atom great.
Both sugarcube2 syntax plugins I found for Notepad++ were quite terrible, and it doesn’t do any javascript syntax checking of course.

Unfortunately for you, the Twee 3 Language Tools extension released by cyrusfirheir for VSCode is currently the best option when it comes to TWEE Notation related support.


Unfortunate, I’d hoped for a VSCode alternative.

I’ll continue to make do. Got eslint working in NPP, so I’ve a solution better than the compiled game giving an alert that there is a mismatched bracket somewhere at least :slight_smile:

Just out of curiosity, why the resistance against vs code? It’s genuinely a good editor.

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As an aside, VSCodium is a properly open-source distribution of VS Code without the proprietary parts. The Twee3 language tools extension is also available on its alternative extension gallery.


FWIW, I’ve been using Emacs (and tweego -w under Cygwin). A twee mode (which I don’t use) is available on github but apparently is no longer maintained.


Atom was owned by Microsoft too, anyhow. (By acquisition, not because it was originally made there.)

I’m still using Atom on the Windows box, but this is mostly because I’ve been lazy about switching to VSCode. They’re very similar.