Trying to create synonymous phrases

Hello, me again.

I have a parking lot and a car interior that is inside from the parking lot.

I can say the following phrases to get into the interior:

  • enter car
  • get in car
  • inside

I can say the following phrases to exit the car back to the parking lot:

  • exit
  • outside

i want to be able to support

  • exit car (i suspect this is buried too deep to change)
  • get out of car (I don’t know how to phrase this)

Appreciate any help in understanding.

The Parking Lot is a room.

The beater car is a thing in the parking lot. The beater car is fixed in place. Understand "vehicle" and "car" as the beater car. The Parking Lot is outside from the Car Interior. The description of the beater car is "This is your car." 

instead of entering when the noun is the beater car, try going inside instead.

before exiting when the noun is the beater car, try going outside instead.

[instead of getting out when the noun is the beater car, try going outside instead.]

The Car Interior is a room. The car interior is inside from the parking lot. "You're sitting inside your car."

See this thread from last month:

Can't "exit" anything — Is it Inform, or is it me?

People also refer to the “Modified Exit” extension by Emily Short. I don’t know the current status of that, but it was originally introduced to handle commands like this.