The console statistics output

The new I7 displays extra “statistics” output in the Results/Console window after a compile. Several folks have noticed this. For example:

Inform 6.33 for Mac OS X (18th April 2014)
In: 1 source code files 65655 syntactic lines
 54653 textual lines 1977346 characters (ISO 8859-1 Latin1)
  7950 symbols (maximum 20000) 18100086 bytes of memory
Out: Glulx story file 1.140509 (580K long):
    21 classes (maximum 200)       42 objects (maximum 511)
   231 global vars (maximum 233)   84719 variable/array space (maximum 180000)
    96 verbs (maximum 255)         316 dictionary entries (maximum 1300)
   179 grammar lines (version 2)   251 grammar tokens (unlimited)
   101 actions (maximum 200)       37 attributes (maximum 48)
    38 common props (maximum 62)   210 individual props (unlimited)
107890 characters used in text     84591 bytes compressed (rate 0.784)
     0 abbreviations (maximum 64)  2861 routines (unlimited)
 68793 instructions of code        38852 sequence points
    60 bytes readable memory used (maximum 65536)
593408 bytes used in machine       1073148416 bytes free in machine

Please be aware that for Glulx compiles, some of these numbers are just wrong. The maximum number of attributes is 56, not 48. The maximum number of globals is 512, not 233. The property counts are all wrong. “60 bytes readable memory used (maximum 65536)” is total nonsense.

When I was writing the I6 Glulx compiler, I never updated all of these print statements properly. It was never a big deal because nobody was paying attention. Now that people are, I’ve submitted a patch which will fix them (

Thanks, zarf!