The carrying requirements rule

If one also adds an override for the carrying requirements rule as per the variants I mentioned above (which I thought Draconis to be tacitly assuming/endorsing), it does achieve the desired behaviour, as far as I see?

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This is the key, yeah. Some of the kits invoke specific actions from I6 code, and to do that, those actions need fixed names in I6.

I haven’t found anywhere that ##Show is invoked, and Github’s search function ignores the # character which makes it hard to find. But it’s possible it’s just given an I6 name in case it’s needed in the future (or in a custom kit).

Thanks Zed, Draconis; so it sounds like most of these lines are effectively redundant. I thought that might be the case.

Ah yes, of course. (Jim’s post is completely clear, but I confused myself.)

Yes, the Lollipop Guild example is making the “showing it to” action do the exact thing which the action specification says it isn’t suitable for.

Finding solutions to things like this in the documentation, particularly when mentioned only in the examples rather than the main text, is definitely a skill with a learning curve.

In this case, searching the documentation for ‘carrying requirements rule’ would have immediately led to the ‘Lollipop Guild’ solution…

Yeah, you’re right, the docs are a bit contradictory/misleading in that regard.