The Apothecary's Assistant by Allyson Gray

I’ve had this idea for a little extra challenge to raise more money, and as we reach the 2-week mark I’d like to share it with you all. It’s fully optional, of course, but anyone interested is welcome to give it a go!
(I do love the ARG comparison and am eager to feed into it, haha)

Most of the characters found in the game are based on mythological creatures from real-world cultures. I wasn’t able to develop them quite as much as I would have liked in the comp version, but I did my best to integrate elements of their respective myths into their descriptions and characterization.

For each character, if someone can tell me what kind of creature they are before the end of the comp, an extra 1$ will go to a predetermined organization. They’ve all been randomly assigned to charities in an equal spread.

Below is the list of names (not including non-mythological characters), which will be updated if there are any correct guesses.

List with individual names in spoiler tags

Apothecary: Aïssatou
Monday regular: Minviluz (SOLVED! Answer: Alan)
Tuesday regular: Weetamoo
Thursday regular: Matsu (SOLVED! Answer: Rokurokubi)
Friday regular: Åsmund (Very close guess! Considered Solved, but open to more specific answer)
Saturday regular: Echekrates (SOLVED! Answer: Monopod)
Sunday regular: Kauê (SOLVED! Answer: Curupira)
Irregular customer 1: Irmgard (SOLVED! Answer: Moosleute)
Irregular customer 2: Hau-tōrua
Special visitor 1: Suādurīx
Special visitor 2: Ovidia
Special visitor 3: Valens

List with all names revealed

Apothecary: Aïssatou
Monday regular: Minviluz (SOLVED! Answer: Alan)
Tuesday regular: Weetamoo
Thursday regular: Matsu (SOLVED! Answer: Rokurokubi)
Friday regular: Åsmund (Very close guess! Considered Solved, but open to more specific answer)
Saturday regular: Echekrates (SOLVED! Answer: Monopod)
Sunday regular: Kauê (SOLVED! Answer: Curupira)
Irregular customer 1: Irmgard (SOLVED! Answer: Moosleute)
Irregular customer 2: Hau-tōrua
Special visitor 1: Suādurīx
Special visitor 2: Ovidia
Special visitor 3: Valens

List with all names and correct species guesses revealed

Apothecary: Aïssatou
Monday regular: Minviluz (SOLVED! Answer: Alan)
Tuesday regular: Weetamoo
Thursday regular: Matsu (SOLVED! Answer: Rokurokubi)
Friday regular: Åsmund (Very close guess! Considered Solved, but open to more specific answer)
Saturday regular: Echekrates (SOLVED! Answer: Monopod)
Sunday regular: Kauê (SOLVED! Answer: Curupira)
Irregular customer 1: Irmgard (SOLVED! Answer: Moosleute)
Irregular customer 2: Hau-tōrua
Special visitor 1: Suādurīx
Special visitor 2: Ovidia
Special visitor 3: Valens

The special visitors are worth 3$ each!

The answers to most (but not all) of these can be found written plainly in the source code, so it would seem fair that if you found them in this way, maybe limit your “guess” contributions to a single character?

In any case, please don’t feel the need to spoil yourself over this — I can always drop additional hints as the weeks go on, if people are interested at all.
For now I’ll say that there is at least one character from each of these continents: North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Oceania, Africa. Admittedly most of them ended up coming from one continent in particular!