Thanksgiving Speed-IF

Justin ‘vimes’ de Vesine is running a speed-IF this week; I thought I’d repost here in case anybody felt like a post-comp breather.

It’s a more traditional style of speedIF than we’ve had here in the past:

Use as many or few of these as you like. Have fun!

Submissions should be emailed to dragonfly2011 (at) , which will stop working after the SpeedIF is complete.

I take it then that there’s no time constraint other than the fact that it has to be written by Sunday? Or does it have to be written on Sunday before midday?

Oops, that wasn’t hugely clear: yes, you can write your game any time between now and the deadline.

Alas. I heart speed-IF and would participate, but this week I’m swamped with anniversary, work, and holiday stuff. I already had to deep-six some social obligations [emote]:([/emote]

Reposting from where? Is there any more info on this somewhere?

From ifMUD. Yes, there’s a slightly longer version of the same information available there. For the curious, here’s both announcements, in full:


Is it necessary to sign up in ifMUD first or can you just email an entry without signing up?

Signup is totally optional: in the past signups have mostly been used to gauge interest in whether to run a speed-IF or not.

Speed-IF is not an event with a whole lot of rules. If you’re wondering “do I have to…” the answer is probably “no”.

Thanks to all who participated; this was a very successful speed.

You can find a game list and the ClubFloyd transcripts at the ifwiki page, and the games themselves are either available in the ifarchive unprocessed directory or the ifarchive speedif directory depending on when you look.