TADS3 Adv3: Line spacing and SenseImplicitAction

I am facing what I think is a simple problem and should require a simple fix, but I have been unsuccessful. When compiling and running my game, I noticed after playing around that implicit actions (specifically smell and listen) are immediately followed by an additional paragraph break that isn’t there following explicit actions.

The difference looks like this:

> smell me
You smell nothing out of the ordinary.
> smell

The air smells of ocean salt and stagnant water.

That specific description is linked to a simple odor of which there is no paragraph break.

testRoom: OutdoorRoom 'Test';

+ SimpleOdor
    desc = "The air smells of ocean salt and stagnant water. ";

This is also true for SimpleNoise. I assume the extra spacing is is not actually coming from the description but from somewhere in libMessages? I don’t know, and I can’t find the source. I’m sure I’m overlooking something silly. Would someone please point me in the right direction?

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I did a quick check on my WIP and got this:

Wafting on the occasional breeze, the mellow smell of
live greenery is corrupted a bit by a damp granite odor
from the cave.

>smell me
You smell nothing out of the ordinary.


It strikes me as weird that you don’t have a followon space either! My form started different, but I basicall y hacked it to look exactly like yours and could not recreate your output. Do you mess with transcript or mainOutputStream at all?


Yes, actually. Now that you mention it. I messed with commandResultsPrefix a while ago when I was playing around with sound effects. I forgot to add back in the <.p0> after I modified it however. Adding it back fixed it. Embarrassing.

Thanks for helping me out. I appreciate it. :slightly_smiling_face: