tads.io server testing

Very nice system! Good job.

Feels reasonably fast to me from the UK. I got server gs-d40ada66.tads.io. I noticed this is in eastern US - Amazon do have a Western European (Ireland) location that would be much faster for users like myself; but it also costs a bit more to host there so I’d totally understand why you might not want to use that.

Two minor issues:

  1. The URL I was redirected to includes a custom port, 50773 (though that appears to change.)

If at all possible I’d highly recommend you find a way to get it hosted on standard HTTP port 80 - perhaps with a single Apache instance that transparently proxies to the local game servers on whatever port. If Apache mod_proxy doesn’t like the dynamic/changing local port numbers, then perhaps a coded solution in PHP or similar would be appropriate. (I can check further on mod_proxy configuration options for you if that’d help.)

It’s a problem because the current URLs are likely to be inaccessible to many people behind corporate firewalls, which will specifically allow only certain outbound ports such as 80 and 443. Equally they may also be behind a transparent HTTP proxy which enforces the same restriction.

So you may find that many people working for big companies are currently unable to while away their working hours playing games on your servers :slight_smile:

  1. This is the first TADS 3 online game I’ve played. I get a persistent red Javascript warning in the bottom right, saying:

Javascript error: Script error.
Window: main ()
Line: 0.

It’s persistent as in it always comes back when I reload the page. It goes away when I click the Ignore button.

Browser is Chrome 17 on OSX.

I’ll spin up an Ireland instance again at some point. I had it up during testing but took it down over the weekend; I haven’t quite finished all the infrastructure work, and I didn’t want to pay the usage fees until I’m ready to tie it into IFDB.

I have an AWS CloudFormation template that automates the process, so it only takes a minute or two.

I worked on that a few months ago (prior to the official release) but never quite got it working. I agree that it would be useful if e.g. “gs-d40ada66.tads.io/32768/?…” proxied the game server on “gs-d40ada66.tads.io:32768/?…”.

No idea what’s going on there. Does it happen for all games? Like this webscript demo?

I’ll have a look at some docs tomorrow and see if I can see anything.

Yes, same error. Typing JS ran through the demo without any problems.

It would be an nginx configuration change rather than a TADS 3 one. It’s going to wind up being some sort of regex to match the server name and a proxy_pass directive to forward based on that match.

Do you still get the error in incognito mode / with all extensions disabled? In Safari?

OK no not in Incognito - must be an incompatibility with one of my extensions.

It was FasterChrome - the extension that provides auto-scroll on multi-page documents, amongst many other things. Makes sense, that tries to parse and modify the page quite a bit.

Unfortunately it doesn’t provide a config option allowing disabling on specific URLs, but it’s no big deal if that’s the only error. Or I can just play in Incognito, or in Firefox.
