TADS 3 VS Code Extension (In Progress)

Hey all. I started working on a VS Code extension for TADS 3:

This is really early days for it and, to be honest, this is my first time creating an extension for VS Code. (I previously created a TADS 3 extension in Atom: https://atom.io/packages/language-tads3.)

I’m finding there’s quite a bit you can do with VS Code in terms of setting up tooling along with the extension, which would allow compiling projects. I’m going to try to figure that stuff out once I’m sure I haven’t botched up the syntax highlighting part too much.

This is, of course, a project that anyone can feel free to contribute to by pull requests to the project repository.


Cool! I’d love to try it out… have to get VS Code up and running first though…

I recently started a new project in VS Code and it was the first tool I downloaded to get me going. It’s been a big help. Thank you!