Suppressing (open) not working

So the documentation tells me that a couple of things will work to omit (open) or (closed) from descriptions, but they aren’t working for me.

Here’s my item:

A glove is here. It is a container. "A glove.".
I tried this:

Rule for printing room description details: stop.

and this:

Rule for printing room description details of containers: stop.

And this:

Rule for printing room description details of glove: stop.

And this:

Rule for printing the name of the glove:
	if the glove contains the hand, say "hand"; 
	otherwise say "empty glove";
	omit contents in listing.

And all of these stubbornly refuse to omit (open) from the glove description. I still get

You can see the empty glove (open) here

Argh. This page is really clear about this; it says:

And we can suppress the "(open)" and "(on which is...)" sorts of tags with the "omit the contents in listing" phrase, as in

Rule for printing the name of the bottle while not inserting or removing: 
    if the bottle contains sand, say "bottle of sand"; 
    otherwise say "empty bottle"; 
    omit contents in listing.

Where am I going wrong?

Edited: The hand is disembodied, so this is not a case of wearing the glove.

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My WIP extension includes the following…

A container can be undercover.
A supporter can be undercover.

Rule for printing room description details of an undercover thing (this is the undercover container rule): stop.
Rule for printing the name of an undercover thing (called the stealthy) while taking inventory (this is the undercover container inventory rule): say "[printed name of the stealthy]".

Ach, I’m an idiot. I accidentally copied a rule from WHHOGG that included an (open) rule. Nothing to see here, folks.