
Six years later, a new version is out! I realized it would be useful to have a snippet that referred to the verb itself, and then I realized it should go in this extension, and then I realized I should really incorporate vlaviano’s fixes, and…

Anyway! Here are new versions for 6L38, 6M62, and 10.1. Version 2 provides a new phrase (“the subcommand of the verb”) and also incorporates the bugfixes that add invalid snippets when disambiguating. The extensions also have different names so they can coexist in your Extensions directory.

Notably the last one crashes the IDE for me, which seems like a definite bug, but probably on my end; can anyone test out the 10.1 version? I’ll put them on Github once I know they work.

Subcommands 6L38.i7x (20.7 KB)
Subcommands 6M62.i7x (20.6 KB)
Subcommands 10-v2.i7x (20.5 KB)