Struggling with syntax

This should be easy, but I just can’t seem to get the correct form. What am I doing wrong, I’m sure I’ve tried every combination of punctuation…

There is a room called Garden Path. "To the North is house with a bright yellow door".

A blue pot is in Garden Path. " A welcoming blue pot, with brightly coloured nasturtiums cascading over the sides is placed near the door. "

A brass yale key is a thing. The brass yale key can be found or lost. The brass yale key is lost.

Instead of looking under the blue pot,
	if the brass yale key is found, say "There's nothing of interest under there, just a squashed earwig and a dead leaf. " 
		the brass yale key is found;
		now the player carries the brass Yale key;
		say "You find a brass Yale key under the pot, which you pick up."

Just missing one word.

now the brass yale key is found;

You also need a semicolon after the first line of your rule.

Thanks I’ve got it now:

Instead of looking under the blue pot:
	if the brass yale key is found:
		say "There's nothing of interest under there, just a squashed earwig and a dead leaf. ";
		now the brass yale key is found;
		now the player carries the brass yale key;
		say "Under the flower pot you find a brass yale key, which you pick up."