Step-by-step guide to setting up inform6-test (Windows)

FYI for anyone who wants to try this, it will be necessary to install a support layer to allow the building of the program within Windows. Several options exist:

A pretty good overview of the process of installing Cygwin on Windows, installing basic Linux tools within Cygwin, and getting through the compilation process of a Linux program using Cygwin can be found at:

Some old but probably still valid instructions for installing MinGW can be found at:

In order to get inform6-test to work, you will need to install a number of packages, some of which are probably not on the default list for Cygwin or MinGW/MinGW-w64. A pretty specific list of the required packages can be seen in the instructions for Ubuntu at:

However, those instructions may also depend on packages that are installed by default for Ubuntu-based distributions that aren’t installed by default for Cygwin/MinGW/MinGW-w64. If you run into trouble and get stuck, please post here, and I’ll try to help.

Please do post about any specific problems that you encounter in the process in any case, even if you manage to work through them, so that the instructions can be improved.