I dunno. Let’s find out.
use the serial comma.
lab is a room.
A scene has a number called sc-chapter.
scene-two is a recurring scene. The sc-chapter of scene-two is 2.
scene-four is a recurring scene. The sc-chapter of scene-four is 4.
scene-one is a recurring scene. The sc-chapter of scene-one is 1.
scene-three is a recurring scene. The sc-chapter of scene-three is 3.
to decide what number is (s1 - scene) vs (s2 - scene) (this is scene-cmp):
decide on the sc-chapter of s1 <=> the sc-chapter of s2;
when play begins:
let l be the list of scenes;
sort l by scene-cmp;
puts l;
Include (-
[ partition_fn arr p start end fn pivot l h tmp index;
l = start;
h = end - 2;
pivot = LIST_OF_TY_GetItem(arr, p+1);
ListSwapEntries(arr, end, p+1);
while (l < h) {
if ((fn)(LIST_OF_TY_GetItem(arr, l+1),pivot) < 0) {
} else if ((fn)(LIST_OF_TY_GetItem(arr, h+1),pivot) >= 0) {
} else {
index = h;
if ((fn)(LIST_OF_TY_GetItem(arr, h+1), pivot) < 0) index++;
return index;
[ phrase_sort_fn arr start end fn p;
if ((end - start) < 2) return;
p = start + ((end-start)/2);
p = partition_fn(arr, p, start, end, fn);
phrase_sort_fn(arr, start, p, fn);
phrase_sort_fn(arr, p+1, end, fn);
[ spaceship v1 v2 k cmp_fn;
if KOVComparisonFunction(k) cmp_fn = (KOVComparisonFunction(k))(v1,v2);
if ((~~cmp_fn) || (cmp_fn == UnsignedCompare)) return v1 - v2;
return cmp_fn(v1,v2);
To sort (L - a list of values of kind K) by (ph - phrase (K, K) -> number):
(- phrase_sort_fn({-by-reference:L},0,BlkValueRead({L}, LIST_LENGTH_F), {ph}-->1); -)
to puts (sv - sayable value): say sv; say line break;
To decide what number is (v1 - a value of kind K) <=> (v2 - a K):
(- spaceship({v1},{v2},{-strong-kind:K}) -)
I suppose I’ll extension-ize this later.
Edited: @drpeterbatesuk alerted me to a problem with my spaceship
phrase: as written, it only worked with block kinds of value (e.g., texts) and the one non-block type I’d special-cased, number. It should now work in the general case, where “work” means “make the same comparison Inform would when sorting a list of this kind”. Plus I noticed there’s an existing ListSwapEntries function that was basically the same thing as my swap_list_entries so now my code uses it.