Completed šŸ‘» Jams Reviews Round Up! ~ Bare-Bones, EctoComp and inkJam done!

In the Blink ofā€¦

Honestly, my French version is not as good as the English one. I took the 4h to translate the whole text (so much textā€¦) and it does need some editing for sure.

French EctoComp - final thoughts

Fewer entries this year than last (but not shocking, as we are a smaller group than the Anglophone sphere, and the French Comp is like right around the corner), but pretty interesting take on horror and interactivity.
Hopefully, next year, there will be more entries~

Also from this point on, multiple entries have been submitted to both the EctoComp and the Bare-bones. Iā€™ll indicate it, if that is the case, and will only review them once.

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Forever and Ever by Petricake Games

Note: this was also submitted to the Bare-Bones Jam

Summary: Halloween night comes to a close and youā€™re just settling in to get a good nightā€™s sleep when your son Lucas lets you know there are monsters in his room. Again. A fatherā€™s work is never done.

Thoughts: Heartbreaking but so well-written. Thereā€™s something not quite right from the beginning, things that donā€™t fit, building tension little by little, which makes the reveal not only depressing and the implications terrifying, but hitting even harder than youā€™d think. I need a hug nowā€¦
I had read the CW before playing but didnā€™t make the link until the endā€¦


The Author and its characters by stanwixbuster

bitsiii :partying_face:

Summary: I think about dynamics a lot.

Thoughts: More of a meta/philosophical musing about creative writing and an authorā€™s relationship with its creations, the positives and negatives, the black the white. While there piece is very linear, I found the high-contrast backgrounds fitting quite well with the text on the screen. It didnā€™t feel super spooky, but then Iā€™m also past that whole dread thingā€¦ :woman_shrugging:

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The Loneliest House by Tabitha Oā€™Connell

Note: this was also submitted to the Bare-Bones Jam

Summary: Youā€™ve always been drawn to the lonely old house on the hill outside your town. Itā€™s been abandoned for as long as youā€™ve lived here; youā€™ve never seen it get any care or attention. To everyone else, itā€™s just a part of the scenery. But to you itā€™s always been something moreā€“a mystery, an omen, a promise.

Thoughts: My kind of parser! with just one command (x) ! The gameplay reminded me a bit of Nested as in you look at things, that gives out a detail you can look at, that gives you a detail you can look atā€¦ (except it doesnā€™t repeat ad infinitum). It felt a bit voyeuristic trying to look at details of this house, even if itā€™s abandoned. Pretty eerie, but neat!
+1 for including a walkthough! -1 for not being able to pet the dog (/jk)


GUT THE MOVIE by Corra Nulla

Note: this was also submitted to the Bare-Bones Jam

Summary: Itā€™s a bad idea, and itā€™s a movie! In this game there are three budding young rockstars called GUT who want to make a horror movie. Unfortunately, they donā€™t have very much money. But they will try anyway! They just need you, whoever you are, to settle a few disputes.

Thoughts: Not very spooky, unless you canā€™t forget about the background of the characters (which are not mentioned again), but humorous instead. Itā€™s very silly and chaotic, but the games shines even more when replayed, as the different combinations of choices give some special flavour.


Ah Limā€™s Chicken Rice, #01-08A by Kastel

Summary: Everyone loves your chicken rice.

Thoughts: Short but effective in relaying feels (sadness and grief, but also joy and hope). The descriptions are powerful even with so little words. Thereā€™s a lot of unsaid between the lines, that makes it all the more tragic.

Last one for today, cause I played a bunch so far. Will continue tomorrow. In the meantime, I'm going to hunt some bugs :sob:


Summary: a hannibal inspired cookbookā€¦of sorts

Thoughts: You know how cooking blogs have those insane recipe posts, where they talk about their whole life, and maybe parse the recipe throughout so it becomes impossible to get clear instructions? This feels like that but the story is eerie and uneasy and there is something wrong there (and the music!), but youā€™re not sure what (tho the game hints at it with wink wink nudge nudge jokes here and there). Stillā€¦ I wouldnā€™t mind getting some Vietnamese nowā€¦
Small bƩmols: the animated background is pretty distracting (turned it of with the console), the text block is quite small (a bit annoying for the last passage), and the typing text speed is very slow (yay for pressing the SpaceBar*!)
*you might want to add this somewhere on the page

ConfigurationUploader by Autumn Chen

Note: this was also submitted to the Bare-Bones Jam

Summary: ConfigurationUploader is a program for uploading configurations.

Thoughts: Honestly thought at first Autumn had coded a new program and this was a legit bare documentation, but no, this is pure sci-fi fiction (I hopeā€¦). The whole gameplay feels like going down a Wikipedia rabbit hole (where you open the links on the page in a new tab to read later, because who knows if youā€™ll find them again) mixed with trying to understand an incomplete and obtuse documentation. The implication of the whole thing is quite frightening and bleakā€¦
Kuddos for doing all this in 4h!
also wondering if this is part of the Archivist and the Revolution mythos?


The Dying of the Light by Amanda Walker

Summary: Alone. Terrified. Locked in. Consumed by rage.

Forenote: Iā€™ve dealt family members with dementia in the past. Among them, two have had the most impact: a grandparent who was caring for us kids when I was still quite young, whose physical health deteriorated with their mental one (I remember thinking we abandoned them in the care home during their last weeks, which was unfair because they were so kind to us kids), and my partnerā€™s grandparent who passed fairly recently, but whose state was almost child-like at the end, and had turned extremely violent. So I went into this with some baggage alreadyā€¦

Thoughts: This was not a 5-15min game for me, mainly because I suck at parser and finding the correct command to advance. But while it is frustrating when playing most parsers, I think it helped me understand this game better. Like the PC, I felt like I didnā€™t have control over what I was doing (getting so many error messages), like I didnā€™t understand what I was supposed to do next, or couldnā€™t remember which word to use (also ooof the response of typing hint). You know you have a fork on the table but you canā€™t use the word fork in there, itā€™s a pointy thing that you stab other with. This confusion and frustration worked so well both in term of narratives but also gameplay.
I think it was pretty smart to use this point of view with this theme.

Amanda, you were impressed at how much there was in other LPM entries, but yours is as on par as the others!
Also, hugs :people_hugging:

Small thing I found

hit door in the room is neither accepted nor is given an error message. Seems like it was implemented but thereā€™s no response when using it.


Vampire Gold by Olaf Nowacki

Summary: I wanted to make a small dungeon crawler. It became very simple and at the same time probably very unfair, difficult and hard to beat. But it is possible (with luck and cunning

Thoughts: Dungeon crawlers, my nemesis. The difficulty of this one is not understated, itā€™s hella hard and you need to be pretty lucky (maybe undo-scum?). Iā€™ve just kept dying with not more then 40 gold pieces in my bag. Itā€™s pretty humorous tho, and the cover image is pretty cool. But I think Iā€™ll wait for someone to post a map with the enemies/items to pick up or the order do go at it before I go back to it.
Dying is funā€¦ but with moderation :stuck_out_tongue:


Please Leave a Message by Passerine

Note: This was also submitted to the Bare-Bones Jam

Summary: I hope he calls me back.

Thoughts: Subtle horror behind the rambling of an older woman through a voice message, complaining about everything and nothing around her, verging by end to paranoia (or just being full on paranoia). With some bits, I wondered if the woman was out of touch, and if her neighbours were that hateful, or about the reason why Mark leftā€¦ I would honestly delete her message :joy:


Zombie Eye: Campfire Tales by Dee Cooke

Summary: Itā€™s Halloweā€™en night and youā€™ve joined your three friends in the forest to tell scary stories around the campfire. But storytelling turns out to be more complicated than you expected!

Thoughts: Cute and short, with the Dee Cooketm graphics and vibes. as well as simple commands. Listen to some spoopy tales around the campfire. I think Iā€™ve tried all possible actionsā€¦ unless I missed something? It felt like thereā€™s no real winning state. Iā€™ll wait for the walkthrough to popup to know for sure :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: Turns out there is, I just didnā€™t go back and change certain talking bits properly.


A Study of Human Behavior by Earth Traveler

Summary: Three years ago, you were abducted by aliens and since, youā€™ve been subjected to a slew of experiments, always alone, the only human on the ship. But now, youā€™re going to be joined by a few othersā€¦ with potentially deadly consequences.

Thoughts: Game Theory/Prisonnerā€™s dilemma, ethics and morals. I managed to ā€œsaveā€ everyone on my first play (maybe Iā€™m too much of a goody-two-shoes). Felt a bit too verbose in the descriptions sometimes (especially since you canā€™t do much than follow the directives, nor does the background of the other prisoners come to play). Out of the 11 rounds, I was asked 2 questions (the two first rounds) and that was itā€¦ just wait and pass the plate.

Bonfire Night: The Black Dog by Carter X Gwertzman

Summary: Itā€™s bonfire night, and they need a sacrifice.

Thoughts: Very cult vibes/survival. Bit of an obtuse parser (def not beginner friendly), managed to exit the first building (by chance!) and exit the field maze (by change again, only to find myself stuck againā€¦). Would benefit from a mini-walkthrough, or hints for some puzzles, because I chose each action at random at the endā€¦

EDIT: I ended up replaying the game and getting to the end! I do think that the it would help to have a bit more hints (like to get the bullet).


The Labyrinthine Library of Xleksixnrewix by Darcomai

Summary: A Reverse Dungeon Crawlā€¦

Thoughts: Now thatā€™s different! Instead of going through a dungeon and fight your way through monsters and solve puzzles, you shape the maze and fix up the traps. This is the kind of small game where you could spend hours trying out different combinations to stop the adventurers from getting to the treasure (and breaking apart the library :scream: ). A great brain-picker and time-wasterā€¦
How this was done in 4hā€¦ :woman_shrugging: There is so freakin much in this entry, from the books content to the puzzle itselfā€¦ Thatā€™s honestly insane. Do you have access to some time-wrap or something? Can you share?
Also, thank you for the dark mode :green_heart: and essentially having part of the solution on the game page :joy:
I have yet to beat those good-for-nothing adventurers, but I am reeeeaaaaallly close! Iā€™ll get them next time!~


There is one way to win! I can pm you if youā€™d like :smile:

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Yes please!~

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The real secret is less impressive, Iā€™m afraidā€”most of the puzzle planning was done on paper, so not counting against the time limit (moving coins around on a grid in different ways), and most of the mechanics actually come straight from published extensions! All the room-layout stuff is Dynamic Rooms by Aaron Reed, the adventurersā€™ logic is Dijkstra Pathing by Daniel Stelzer, and the automap is Dynamic Automap by Daniel Stelzer.

So the vast majority of the four hours was spent on writing up all the room and book descriptions. Iā€™m glad you had fun with them!


Still, just that crammed in under 4 hours :clap:
also :joy:, the listed authors for the extensions, itā€™s almost just you

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Thanks for playing and reviewing! And glad you found the winning path in the end :slight_smile:

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