Skip paragraph description of supporter

I have a noticeboard that supports various pamphlets. The noticeboard is listed in the room description using [brackets], but Inform insists on also describing it and the pamphlets on it, when I only want the pamphlets to be described upon examining the noticeboard.

Here’s what I’m using right now:

Hilund Inn is a room in Hilund. It is east of Hilund Square. "A cozy, small-town inn, somehow always bustling with customers. At the back of the room is a small [noticeboard]."
There is a noticeboard in the Inn. It has the description "A generic-looking noticeboard."
On the noticeboard is a recruitment pamphlet with the description "A pamphlet encouraging readers to enlist in the Vaelanic Guard. Apparently, they have a garrison to the west of Hilund."
On the noticeboard is a ale pamphlet with the description "A pamphlet encouraging readers to purchase Imperial Ale, citing 'numerous benefits to vigour and health'."

And here’s what I get:

Hilund Inn
A cozy, small-town inn, somehow always bustling with customers. At the back of the room is a small noticeboard.

On the noticeboard are a recruitment pamphlet and an ale pamphlet.

You can go west from here.

>x noticeboard
A generic-looking noticeboard.

On the noticeboard are a recruitment pamphlet and an ale pamphlet.

>x ale pamphlet
A pamphlet encouraging readers to purchase Imperial Ale, citing "numerous benefits to vigour and health".


I’ve tried using everything I can find but nothing seems to fix it. For clarity, I wish to remove this line:

On the noticeboard are a recruitment pamphlet and an ale pamphlet.

but only in the room listing–when examining the noticeboard, it should stay.

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Just add this rule:

Rule for printing a locale paragraph about the noticeboard: stop.

Writing with Inform §18.26. Printing the locale description of something


Thank you :smile: