Silly commands you try in parser games

Examples are from my silly parser game where I tried to implement as many of these as I could: The Land of Breakfast and Lunch:

People want to look at themselves:

The description of the player is "You are a fictional character who looks very much like the non-fictional you looks. Almost exactly, in fact, except the non-fictional you is slightly more attractive, and the fictional you is a slightly better speller.".


Praying is an action applying to nothing. Understand "pray" as praying.

Report praying: say "You decide to pray in the Tibetan Dzogchen style; you stare at the sky and think of 'The Great Perfection'. For one moment, you really feel the great perfection of the moment, of the universe, but then you realize you felt it and it's over. Still, you feel calmed.".


Singing is an action applying to nothing. Understand "sing" as singing.

Report singing: say "I'm not sure what you like to sing in a private moment. Maybe it's Beyoncé, maybe it's a little Sinatra, maybe it's Neutral Milk Hotel, and maybe it's the worms song. You sing it, whatever it is, and you feel slightly better.".

General smelling:

Report smelling: say "Then again, you don't have the best sense of smell. Maybe if you smell specific things it will be easier to discern a smell.".

Smelling actual things:

Instead of smelling the pitcher of milk, say "Smells faintly of the sweetness of lactose."

Default description for things that don’t have a description:

The description of a thing is usually "You look at [the noun] very closely indeed, and to be completely honest, it looks about how you'd expect. You think for a moment that there might be something slightly special about it but then, upon looking just a little closer, you see that there isn't."

Sleeping and waking up:

Instead of sleeping: say "You don't feel even the tendrils of sleepiness. You could lie down, but it sounds pretty boring."

Instead of waking up: say "You are already quite alert."


Instead of waiting: say "You stop doing anything for exactly [a random number from 12 to 234] seconds. Nothing seems to have changed in that time."


Xyzzying is an action out of world applying to nothing. Understand "xyzzy" as xyzzying. Carry out xyzzying: say "You feel the temperature shift briefly a little warmer, and then back to normal. The air shimmers for a moment. The very fabric of the universe quivers in anticipation. Nothing actually changes, though."

Empty inventory:

The print empty inventory rule response (A) is "You examine what you'd normally use to carry things, all the way from fingertip to elbow. As you suspected, nothing is contained there. You briefly check for pockets or some kind of fanny pack. There isn't anything like that. You are forced to conclude that you have no possessions."

And I had a toy box so I knew people might try to play with things:

Playing with is an action applying to one visible thing.

Understand "play with [a visible thing]" as playing with.

Instead of playing with a visible thing:
    say "You did. You are good at entertaining yourself.".

Instead of playing with the lite-brite:
    say "You'd need the pegs.".

Hopefully that gives you some inspiration and syntax.


There’s a lot of inspiration for what tweaks one might want to make to be found in Counterfeit Monkey’s extensions like World Model Tweaks, or just seeing what extensions of her own and others that Short chose.

Of course, it’s also like drinking from a fire hose – Short, needless to say, has an extremely deep knowledge of I7, it’s one of the biggest and most complex I7 games, and the current code has been ruthlessly optimized by @angstsmurf and thus includes a bunch of atypical idioms…


“Nothing happens” is sufficiently funny :smiley:


To quote Short Circuit, “no disassemble!”


In Harvard Lampoon’s Bored of The Rings, 1 of the characters hands out useless rewards including “a plover’s egg the size of an emerald” :slight_smile:


I wonder if an author could get in trouble for including rude words in the program, even if the player had to run strings over the program/data to get them. (I wrote a program long, long ago to print all the strings in Infocom games.)
I worked on a game professionally once, the source code of which said something very rude about Michael Howard (then Home Secretary of the UK), but it was only a comment, so not in the distributed stuff. Cowards!

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In Infocom’s Wishbringer, you can “throw my hands into the fountain” in the middle of the town. Then, if you look in the fountain you can see “your hands”. Strangely, this neither prevents you from leaving, nor picking things up.


In some versions of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, you can use “your hands” or “your head” as the thing you put on top of the satchel in the Babel Fish puzzle. Your head will then fly through the air and get caught by the upper-half-of-the-room-cleaning robot, to no ill effect.

I missed the xyzzy/plugh pronunciation discourse, but since it’s important: to me they’ve always sounded like “zizzy”, and “ploo”, with a hint of a “soft hard g” at the end of the latter (like the ch in loch, but voiced. But only a hint.)


Unfortunately, this doesn’t work in any of the three released versions.


I may not have got the command exactly right but it was something very like that and I remember it well from playing it. The version is on a 3" [sic] floppy, but I no longer have a working computer with a suitable drive.
Hmm. Now you’ve got me wondering whether it was a different Infocom game.


The only body parts bug I know in WIshbringer is PUT HANDS UNDER WATER.
But this sort of bug is quite common in Infocom games.
The only games in which body parts are implemented, but I don’t know a way to detach one, are Hollywood Hijinx, Nord & Bert, Sorcerer, and Stationfall.

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Or maybe “Nothing happens. Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead"


:heart: :heart: :heart:

Gotta love old-school SNL.

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or even “Nothing happens. That’s all”, (another well-known quote of Cronkite, IIRC)

Best regards from Italy,
Dott. Piergiorgio.


I still remember this one from HHGTTG, because I typed it in in a fit of frustration, and was rewarded with an entire paragraph of Douglas Adams prose (before it kicked me out of the game):


I was going to put this in my new game template, only to find I’d already added it previously - with a note to credit user @aschultz for the idea. So, let me do so now! Thanks for the recommendation.