Settings to allow more texts

This might seem like a bit of a duplicate of some other questions I asked in other topics, but not quite. This isn’t entirely about doing the things I’m doing with my workaround for the application I am making, but could be relevant to anyone using a lot of texts for other reasons.

What settings can you use to make it possible to have more texts? I was testing the number of “text that varies” items Inform can have in a game, and somewhere between 12500 and 15000 (not sure exactly the number) with an average text size of 10 words at 5 letters a word the application cannot compile with code 10. This time I tested, I made sure my test created truly unique texts with different randomly generated words, but I’m not sure there really is any difference there. The application compiles/loads and runs quickly and without any issue at all, with 1 text or about 12500… but it suddenly just can’t take any more texts sometime shortly after that.

I have these settings initially:

Use MAX_OBJECTS of 10000.
Use MAX_PROP_TABLE_SIZE of 1000000.
Use MAX_STATIC_DATA of 1000000.
Use MAX_SYMBOLS of 40000.
Use MAX_ARRAYS of 40000.
Use dynamic memory allocation of at least 16384. 
Use maximum text length of at least 3000.

Randomly doubling any or all of these settings does not change matters. No more texts seem to be allowed. Texts seem to be stored differently than thing objects, rules, tables, etc. though, and so perhaps there is a way to increase how many can be stored? Are there settings that should increase the limit?

Code 10 is always a serious compiler bug. What does your game file look like, other than the settings above? Just a lot of

X1 is a text that varies. X1 is “Abcde efghi abcde.”

and like that?

Other than the player and a room the player is in, yep, just:

text1 is a text that varies. text1 is “asdo sodfi sdkfjo d sod sodi”.

text15000 is a text that varies. text15000 is “Keock Idos dsIkd osi”.

I supposed there could be something wrong with one of them, but each one was programmatically generated, and there were no problems between 1 and 12500 copy/pasted in…

Hm. Can’t reproduce that crash. I compiled up to 20000 texts with the settings

Use MAX_OBJECTS of 10000.
Use MAX_PROP_TABLE_SIZE of 1000000.
Use MAX_STATIC_DATA of 1000000.
Use MAX_SYMBOLS of 80000.
Use MAX_ARRAYS of 40000.

I saw a different error at 25000, but that was in I7 and unrelated to any of the memory settings. (The settings are mostly for temporary memory in the I6 compiler. Except for DICT_WORD_SIZE, but I assume you know what you’re doing there.)

Would you be willing to send me/attach your test with 20000 texts? If I can’t run it, maybe there is something wrong with my installation or my PC? That seems like a stretch though, so the other thing I want to check is how your texts look, compared to the ones I generated. Would you be willing to do that?