Hello! Looking for anyone willing to check out my game. It’s a lengthy fantasy narrative which might take a while to complete, so I’m happy for anyone to have a look at as much as they can manage and give feedback on that. I’m a complete novice, so the (limited) code is undoubtedly a mess, but I think at this point it’s functional. There’s a little art and I’m planning to add more, and a couple very simple minigames which are slowed down for testing, planning to make the timers shorter for the actual release. Here’s the blurb:
Deep in Kingthrall caves, monsters dwell. The crown has offered a large reward to anyone who can destroy them.
You are probably not the quester anyone had in mind, but you’re desperate, and that has made you determined. Enter the caves. Argue with the creatures from your nightmares. Discover a war nobody on the surface knew about. Hear the dead God speak. Bring down the Hydra King, or fall in the attempt…
Fantasy, about 70k words, choice-based.
Thanks to anyone interested!