Second noun?

The coding for my spell casting I have written to accept two ways to cast a spell:

The first way to do this is to use the name of the spell as the action – i.e. frotz something:

frotzing is an action applying to one thing.  understand "Frotz [something]" as frotzing.

the other way is to cast the spell on something:

Casting is an action applying to two things.  understand "Cast [something] on [something]" as casting.

But I have a spell (levitating hand) that doesn’t need a second noun, the player would just type “cast levitating hand”. But there is no second noun needed.

The other way would be to treat levitating hand as a verb, which doesn’t really work either, no direct object is needed.

How to code something that uses the same action “cast” but with no direct object ([noun] or [second noun])?

It is possible? Is there a way that I’m not seeing?

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I think the easiest way is to just define a new action with a single object that uses the same grammar. Like:

Monocasting is an action applying to one thing.  Understand "cast [something]" as monocasting.

This can potentially get a little confusing though, so defining sub-kinds of spells and altering the understand grammar accordingly might be a good idea (like, defining monocast and dual-cast spells as kinds of spell and then making clear which goes where). I admit I haven’t messed around with same-grammar actions in a bit so possibly it’ll work fine out of the box!


Thank you for your help!

@kamineko built a spellcasting system in his first game and later wrote a lot about doing that that may be helpful to you. I couldn’t find the exact posts to link to now though. And I did try reasonably hard! I will send a potted history of my failed attempts to kaminenko so he may be able to make it easier to get at. In the meantime, I hope by dinging him in this post he or someone else can share the link.



Thank you!

Hi! The posts are about some pretty messy design in Repeat the Ending, and how I hope to improve upon it. They are related to your question (I’m also interested in dropping a second noun), but the design is quite different from yours. Still, it might be interesting to see how somebody else approached dealing with nouns and magic.

Magic systems are fun. I look forward to checking out your game!


Another option, which Scroll Thief uses, is this:

Understand "cast [something]" as casting.
Rule for supplying a missing second noun when casting:
    now the second noun is the location.

Now CAST FILFRE in the Dark Tower will map to “casting filfre at the Dark Tower”.