Save Music, Save The Internet Archive!


Today’s music industry favors the shareholders of powerful streaming platforms and record labels, not musicians. In fact, many musicians struggle to make a living from their art, often receiving mere pennies for their work while companies like Spotify rake in billions. This imbalance not only threatens the livelihoods of artists but also undermines the rich diversity of music that shapes our culture.

What’s happening?

In August 2023, record label giants including Universal Music Group and Sony Music filed a copyright-infringement lawsuit over the Internet Archive nonprofit’s Great 78 Project, an unprecedented effort to digitize old 78 rpm records.
These records contain a wealth of music that is increasingly rare. Many of these recordings are the only existing copies of historically significant performances, making their preservation vital for future generations.
For saving these old recordings, the Internet Archive might be sued out of existence. Major labels are seeking $621 million in damages for what might amount to $41,000 in listening since 2006. If the labels succeed with their aggressive tactics, they could scare off anyone who ever wants to preserve music again—and destroy the historical record of the Internet while they’re at it.
The Internet Archive is perhaps known best for the WayBack Machine, which was recently celebrated for saving MTV News articles. This and all of the Archive’s services are also under threat due to the scope of major label’s suit.
Unfortunately, if labels win against the Internet Archive, there’s no guarantee that the musicians—or their estates—will see a dime. Generally with lawsuits like this, the corporations and their shareholders pocket the winnings and musicians see little to nothing.
The fight isn’t over yet. Join hundreds of musicians to defend the artistic legacies and futures of working musicians and promote an open internet with safe, uncensored music preservation. Sign on now to tell big labels to drop their suit against the Internet Archive and actually support working musicians!
Please, we need your help! For more info, and to sign the petition, you can go here.

