Rule if statements not accepting numbers?

I’m trying to make a rule which activates once a number I placed on an npc reaches a certain level. The only way I could think to do this is by having an every turn rule check the number. Unfortunately this bit of code, which seems to me should work, comes up with an error message.

Every turn while in The Bedroom (this is the John wake up rule): If the wake of john is more than 3: Now the wake of john is the wake of john plus 1; say "blah";

I also tried using an instead rule but that came with the same error. But using the number not as a condition works just fine.

If the bedroom window is unused: now the wake of john is the wake of john plus one;

To compare numbers, use “x is greater than 3” or “x > 3”. These phrases are listed in the Phrasebook tab of the Index pane.