Lab is a Room.
George Rooms is a person in the Lab.
A flask is a thing in the Lab.
A coin is a kind of thing. Five coins are in Lab. [<-- NEW]
allow-plurals is a truth state that varies.
The allow-plurals variable translates into I6 as "allow_plurals".
Before reading a command:
now allow-plurals is true.
An Interactive Fiction
Release 1 / Serial number 210517 / Inform 7 build 6M62 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) SD
You can see George Rooms, a flask and five coins here.
>listen to george
You hear nothing unexpected.
>george rooms, hello
There is no reply.
>take six flasks
You can't see any such thing.
>george rooms, hello
To talk to someone, try "someone, hello" or some such.
again, unfortunately.