Resurrecting Zag

Oh, I’m sorry for that. I didn’t sign the Jars, because I didn’t think anyone’s still using applets. And I don’t have a certificate to sign them with. These things cost a lot of money.

It’s not really an applet because it’s not embeded into the browser, it’s launched with java web start, and it looks like a native java application, which is in a new window. But you’re right, it’s quite similar. So far it’s the easiest way to release a Glulx game without installing anything.

I’m pretty sure you can use self signed certificate, because I managed to install on android a game I’ve made with renpy, and now I see the previous Zag release was issuing a warning about a seft signed certificate. … 23.html#60

Applet or Web Start - the security problem is the same. You’ll always get a security warning, unless you have a proper certificate. Beginning with Java 7u51 self signed certificates won’t work either. See the link below:

I can create a self-signed version next weekend anyway, if you want it. Or you can do it yourself. It’s not that difficult.

ah, it’s a pity they did this. The previous warning was enough in my opinion. Another failure from Oracle.

Code signing is the biggest way to rob people blind I have ever seen - after all, a lot of these signers just require you have a valid e-mail address, no other verification needed, and yet their signing off is considered more legitimate than self-signing. I just think the system is flawed.
Anyway, on a less opinionated and probably misinformed note, I didn’t realize people still used javaws either, but I hope this can be fixed - for maximum compatibility.

Anyone here able to sign it with his overpriced key?

Looks like the IFarchive submissions were accepted: … sXzag.html