Responsive image not working

Greyelf already recently posted about styling links. Check out the reply here…

…it’s quite in depth, but the most direct take away is that you might have to also style .enchantment-link.

Harlowe has a special DOM View in it’s debug mode when you test your game under the Build menu in Twine. It’s shows the exact HTML objects to target in your CSS to style specific elements in your story. A more advanced way though is to use the Browser’s built-in Inspector. Right click on an element and choose Inspect or press F12. I won’t go into detail about how to use the inspector, but it’s very powerful and can even change the CSS while the game is live. Crazy stuff!

Oh, and when posting code, you can use three ` marks in a row (```) and then on a new line, paste your code, and then three ` marks after your code on a new line to keep it all in one handy box that has more features for viewing and copying for other people reading your posts…

tw-link {color: yellow}
tw-link:hover {color: teal}
tw-link:visited {color: green}

…will then look like this:

tw-link {color: yellow}
tw-link:hover {color: teal}
tw-link:visited {color: green}