I’m not sure whether I can shed light on the whole issue, but it does have something to do with whether we check this using variables or not.
Compare the handling of “in
” as decribed in chapter 6.11 in the docs, 6.11. A word about in.
The test with “let r1 be the Neighborhood;
” does not seem to capture the temporary nature adequately.
Because if you add these global variables:
rvar is an object that varies.
mvar is an object that varies.
and then add the following to “when play begin
now rvar is the Neighborhood;
now mvar is the medallion;
say "[rvar] [if rvar contains the mvar]contains[else]doesn't contain[end if] [mvar]. Using 'in', [mvar] [if mvar is in rvar]is [else]is not [end if]in [rvar]. Using 'regionally in', [mvar] [if mvar is regionally in rvar]is [else]is not [end if]regionally in [rvar].";
then you will get the following output (because we used variables, similar to the repeat loop):
In general, if you add checks using “in
” in your code, like this:
if the medallion is in the Neighborhood, say "The medallion is in the neighborhood.";
repeat with obj running through objects begin;
if obj is a region, say "[obj] [if obj contains the medallion]contains[else]doesn't contain[end if] the medallion. Using 'in', the medallion [if the medallion is in obj]is [else]is not [end if]in [obj]. Using 'regionally in', the medallion [if the medallion is regionally in obj]is [else]is not [end if]in [obj].";
if obj contains the medallion, say "[obj] contains the medallion.";
end repeat;
then it will turn out that the results of “contains
” match the results of “in
(You probably know these posts, but for anyone stumbling over this thread, Dr Peter Bates wrote a very thorough description of the containment (and other) relations in Inform in these posts: Elegant way to test whether something is in a location (even if in a container) - #7 by drpeterbatesuk and Elegant way to test whether something is in a location (even if in a container) - #26 by drpeterbatesuk)