Referring to things by computed properties

You can understand by computed properties:

The Lab is a room. 

An element is a kind of value. The elements are cyan, magenta, and yellow.

A reagent is a kind of thing. A reagent has an element.

A reagent has an element called the secondary-element.

a reagent has a text called the comp-color.
the comp-color of a reagent is usually "[the composite color of the element of the item described and the secondary-element of the item described]".

Understand the comp-color property as describing a reagent.

To say the composite color of (E1 - an element) and (E2 - an element):
say "cerulean"

Rule for printing the name of a reagent (called R):
	say "[the comp-color of R] [the printed name of R]".

The gel is a reagent in the lab. The element of the gel is cyan. The secondary-element of the gel is magenta.

Test me with "get cerulean".
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