Re-Triggering a Scene within Questions Extension

I’m using Questions by Michael Callaghan to create conversation in menu style. The conversation takes part in a scene which is triggered by a variable. The first topic choice works fine, but at the end I need the scene to be triggered again to restart the menu display. What did I do wrong?

[code]Dialogue_tree is a recurring scene. Dialogue_tree begins when the tree trigger is 1.
When dialogue_tree begins (this is the set dialogue rule):
now dummy is 0;
now the dialogue partner is the old tree;
now the tree trigger is 0;
let the conversation tree be a list of texts;
repeat with i running from 1 to the number of rows in the Table of tree conversation:
if asked in row i of the Table of tree conversation is 0:
add choice in row i of the Table of tree conversation to the conversation tree;
now dummy is dummy plus 1;
now the closed menu prompt is “(1-[dummy]) >>>”;
now current question is “”;
now current question menu is the conversation tree;
ask a closed question, in menu mode.

A menu question rule (this is the dialogue rule):
if the number understood is less than 1:
if the number understood is greater than dummy:
if the dialogue partner is the old tree:
now dummy is the number understood;
now asked in row dummy of the Table of tree conversation is 1;
say “[answer in row dummy of the Table of tree conversation]”;
now the tree trigger is 1;

The next to last line should trigger the scene, but doesn’t.

May I bring this to your attention again? I got half the weekend for myself and thus time to program, but I don’t get any further with this problem still on the agenda. Thanks!

This is purely a guess, but the problem might be that you can’t start or end scenes while you’re inside menu conversation because the normal turn sequence rules aren’t being run. (It wouldn’t make sense to have, for example, every turn rules print messages while a menu conversation is going on.)

My advice is to not use a scene in this case; it seems like a simple “to” phrase would be much more appropriate anyway (“To set dialogue: …” and instead of setting the flag: “Set dialogue;”)

Hm. Doesn’t work either.

To begin the tree dialogue (this is the set dialogue rule):
now dummy is 0;
now the dialogue partner is the old tree;
now the tree trigger is 0;
let the conversation tree be a list of texts;
repeat with i running from 1 to the number of rows in the Table of tree conversation:
if asked in row i of the Table of tree conversation is 0:
add choice in row i of the Table of tree conversation to the conversation tree;
now dummy is dummy plus 1;
now the closed menu prompt is “(1-[dummy]) >>>”;
now current question is “”;
now current question menu is the conversation tree;
ask a closed question, in menu mode.

A menu question rule (this is the dialogue rule):
if the number understood is less than 1:
if the number understood is greater than dummy:
if the dialogue partner is the old tree:
now dummy is the number understood;
now asked in row dummy of the Table of tree conversation is 1;
say “[answer in row dummy of the Table of tree conversation]”;
now the tree trigger is 1;
begin the tree dialogue;

The problem is that during the second run the new answer list is printed, but “ask a closed question, in menu mode” is not executed. Maybe because when “begin the tree dialogue” is called the game is still in menu mode. Any ideas?

I know this is not a very common problem, but does anyone either have a clue about this, or does anyone know a different solution to using multiple choice communication trees within Inform 7?

You should try contacting the author of the extension directly.


Mail is out. Hope he answers.