Quotient, The Game, Beta Testers Wanted

This work is already out in the public, so I’m posting the link here. I’ve made MANY updates since it first made a public appearance, so I’d love some feedback before I do its formal launch. Feel free to message me, or just give it a try and send me comments. It’s an off-the-wall spy adventure. Link below!

Thanks, Greg



interesting, the first moves are the Classic ones:

open mailbox.read leaflet

kudos and
Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.

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Grazie! (From Ohio… and I loved visiting Italy)

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The beginning and the plot are intriguing, but there are a few technical drawbacks (Release 107 / Serial number 241006).

The objects lack synonyms.

men, husband > Desmond
box, mail > mailbox
screen > tardis
device > SCIF

The scenes lacks objects.

A stark polished stainless steel table dominates the center of the room, surrounded by comfortable chairs. Monitors and control consoles line the walls. This is where the most critical missions are planned and executed. Martin’s office is to the north and a hallway is to the west.

> x monitor
You can’t see any such thing.
> x table
You can’t see any such thing.

Objects have no reactions to obvious actions.

It’s an iPad mini. It is on and someone has used it to take notes.
> switch off notepad
It isn’t something you can switch.

It’s a regular deck of cards with Star Wars themed backs.

The top four cards are:
A King holding a blue light saber.
A Queen, petting a Lion underneath a deep red sky.
A Jack wearing a brightly polished pendant.
And an Ace, adorned with the face of a shimmering clock.

> shuffle deck
That’s not a verb I recognize.

The game has a strange dialog system. You can interrupt a dialog at any time, go about your business, and come back to it later and continue with the last sentence. The interlocutor will wait quietly for your return.

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Thanks so much for the feedback. I’ll add the synonyms and add additional scenery as you suggest, as well as look for additional places to do the same.
(also note that for now, I highlight scenery with italics to make it clear what is available to view.)

The dialog feedback is also great feedback, and yes, that’s how it’s designed to work now. It’s my first game, so I’m still learning. I’ll look into how I can advance that as well. (but it may take a me a little while to figure out how to update that.)

Appreciate you taking a look! Feel free to pass along any other feedback if you decide to keep playing. There are a number of different regions in the game.

Thanks again,


(and unfortunately, x monitor is the case of another missing synonym since x monitors should work… but obviously, I should include a synonym for monitor)

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Ok, thanks to johnbrown, I have a new version up and running. I added LOTS of synonyms, more scenery, some basic commands, and even memories! (some items will now trigger memories which you can recall/remember/think about.)

All feedback welcomed!

I’ve added a spoiler free map, (linked at the site) and can send a ‘spoiler map’ to anyone that wants to give it a try.

Thanks, Greg

I appreciate you adding so much detail to the scene descriptions. But the fact that a player is allowed to take everything and get points for it is a bit odd.
I’m going to try to get through the game without any hints for now. Let’s see how far I get.

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Thanks John, I appreciate it. Feel free to reach out. I’m from the age of Zork where you’d gather treasures and put them in your treasure case for points… hahaha… I think Interactive fiction has come a long way since then! I have a lot of catching up to do!


Ok, another release is here! John found several key bugs… (I needed to remember to (a) fix things in place that I don’t want people to take and (b) make sure some new commands I added only work where and how they are supposed to work!)

I also added a room to facilitate a moving around the “farmstead” more easily, added the ability to refer to the NPC’s as him/her and several other tune-ups based on John’s very helpful transcripts! I even updated one of the room descriptions in Oxford since I thought it could use some sprucing up.

Enjoy! Feedback encouraged!



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The first production release is out! After another full beta test run by my brother, a rookie to the world of IF, I’ve released version 108… Thanks to P-TUX7, johnbrown and my wife, Karen for the early beta runs! Let me know what you think with the “more polished” version of the game!

Lots of enhancements, bug fixes, playability improvements, and better hints.




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