Quixe undo limit (2021)

Thanks David. I wouldn’t mind either of those things, but 10 UNDOs will readily do. I’m not githubby or programmy outside of Inform so fyrevm etc are beyond me. Plus this project needs to stay with the safe / established / readily portable venues for various reasons.

In a segue, can anyone remember what the general problem with UNDO was in Cragne Manor? I relied on letting one UNDO save people in one situation in the room I made, expecting players would have 10. Given that anything they typed in that moment except the right command or UNDO would kill them, I couldn’t see how that could backfire. But I remember authors’ different attitudes to UNDO caused some kind of headache for the overlords, and they had to add a saving-yourself GO BACK command in certain places, including in my room.
