Question about Inform 6 "temporary files" option

On any machine with that much RAM, it should perform better with regular compiling than with -F1.

It would be helpful if you tested the latest Inform 6 code (at ) with your project, though. If there are any problems, let me know.

The project is NSFW hence why I donā€™t go throwing the name about everywhere but if you click on my profile there is a link to my patreon page which explains a lot :slight_smile: You can follow a link there to the dev blog, and then in the side menu of the dev blog is a link to (most of) the code repository.

@zarf I will do my best to look into that soon! The state of the dev environment for our project has gotten silly to the point where I had to get someone much smarter than me to set up a working compiler for me. But hopefully it shouldnā€™t be too tricky for me to work out where to put the stuff compiled and published by David Kinder on May 22.

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Aika, when doing parallel compiling, isnā€™t only the RAM what matters, but also the number of CPU coresā€¦ and AFAICT, I6 isntā€™ optimised for parallel compiling

[still wondering why the largest IF for I6, I7 and TADS are actually AIFā€¦]

Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.

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Compiling in parallel is optional for me, I tend to do it most of the time but itā€™s not 100% necessary, just faster overall. The task manager screenshot above was for compiling a single version, no parallel compilations active.

The largest IF are AIF because people around the world will keep giving us lots of money to keep developing them further even when theyā€™re a bundle of bugs and spaghetti code :sweat_smile:

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Looks like the AIF Framework has nice conversation table library that can be very useful in simulating peopleā€™s behavior. I wonder if AI can be infused into it, as to make it a more active environment, just like the Matrix.

In that screenshot itā€™s ā€œniā€, the Inform 7 compiler, thatā€™s taking all the time and memory. This thread is about Inform 6, so the two are separate issues.

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