Problem with doors in Inform 7

I’m trying to write a new game, pretty much my first, because all my other attempts have ended at similar problems. Whenever I compile, I get this error

Problem. You wrote ‘The Server Access is west of the Computer Room and east of Mission Control’ , but in another sentence ‘The Computer Room is east of Mission Control’ : but this looks like a contradiction, which might be because I have misunderstood what was meant to be the subject of one or both of those sentences.

Here’s my code

The Computer Room is a room. The Computer Room is east of Mission Control. The Server Access is west of the Computer Room and east of Mission Control. The Server Access is a door.

I know I must be doing something wrong, can anybody explain this?

Hi Sabara. You don’t need the ‘Computer room is east of mission control’. Your door definition will take care of it.

The Computer Room is a room. Mission Control is a room. The Server Access is west of the Computer Room and east of Mission Control. It is a door.

Oh. Me stupid. :slight_smile: Thanks, I’ll remember this in the future.