Problem downloading

I am trying to download Conversation Framework for Sand-dancer by Aaron Reed from the Inform site. But whenever I click “Download,” all it does is flip me to a page with the source code written out – it doesn’t download the extension to my computer.
What am I doing wrong?

That source code IS the extension, but you might want it in a more usable form:

Right click on the ‘Download’ link, then ‘save as’ (or the equivalent in your browser) and save the file somewhere on your computer. I believe it will have a .i7x extension.

From within Inform, choose Install Extension from the File menu, and choose the file you just downloaded, and then it should be installed.

I hope that helps.

That downloaded the extension, but now I have a new problem: there’s language in the extension which is causing the problem.

The problem language is: consider the suggestion list construction rules;

The wider context of the problem line is:
Carry out listing suggested topics:
consider the suggestion list construction rules;
let ask-suggs be the number of entries in sugg-list-ask;
let tell-suggs be the number of entries in sugg-list-tell;
let other-suggs be the number of entries in sugg-list-other;
if ask-suggs + tell-suggs + other-suggs is 0 begin;
say “[nothing specific]”;
rule succeeds;
end if;
let sugg-rep be an indexed text;
say "[if topic-request is implicit]([end if]You could ";
if other-suggs > 0 begin;
let sugg-rep be “[sugg-list-other]”;
replace the regular expression “\band\b” in sugg-rep with “or”;
say “[sugg-rep][if tell-suggs + ask-suggs > 0]; or [end if]”;
end if;
if ask-suggs > 0 begin;
let sugg-rep be “[sugg-list-ask with definite articles]”;
replace the regular expression “\band\b” in sugg-rep with “or”;
say “ask [it-them of the current interlocutor] about [sugg-rep][if tell-suggs > 0]; or [end if]”;
end if;
if tell-suggs > 0 begin;
let sugg-rep be “[sugg-list-tell with definite articles]”;
replace the regular expression “\band\b” in sugg-rep with “or”;
say “tell [it-them of the current interlocutor] about [sugg-rep]”;
end if;
say “[if topic-request is implicit].)[paragraph break][otherwise].[end if]”

The problem message is:
In Book 3 - Rules, Part 2 - The Listing Suggested Topics Action, Chapter 1b - Listing Suggested Topics (for use without Complex Listing by Emily Short) in the extension Conversation Framework for Sand-dancer by Aaron Reed:

Problem. You wrote ‘consider the suggestion list construction rules’ : but this is a phrase which I don’t recognise, possibly because it is one you meant to define but never got round to, or because the wording is wrong (see the Phrasebook section of the Index to check). Alternatively, it may be that the text immediately previous to this was a definition whose ending, normally a full stop, is missing?

Again, any suggestions? I am just about through with the book and am eager to start programming.

I believe that that particular extension may have been written to work with a previous version of Inform (as the date of the plugin goes back to 2011) and as there have been considerable changes in the most recent versions of Inform, older plugins may fail to run correctly.

I think that is correct, but please, someone chip in if that’s not quite right!

That is correct. This particular error can be fixed by replacing “consider” on that line with “follow”, but there may be more serious compatibility issues as well.

“Follow” did it. Thanks to you both, vaughany and Draconis.